Hero Of Heart 6039

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 6039

After Victoria’s special plane arrived at Yongzhou Airport, it was ready to fly directly to Australia without much preparation.

According to the flight plan, they would refuel in Australia and fly to Buenos Aires at the same time.

When the Victoria plane was about to take off on the right runway of Yongzhou Airport,

Charlie and Maria’s private plane landed on another runway at Yongzhou Airport.

A Mercedes-Benz SUV has been parked in the airport car park.

After leaving the airport, Charlie and Maria headed straight for the parking lot.

After finding the SUV, Charlie touches the car from above and inside the car. left front wheel. lock.

Then, he unlocked the door with his key, got in the car with Maria, and headed straight for Mount Shivanda.

Maria who was sitting in the passenger seat always felt a little uncomfortable,

he felt Victoria had suddenly left Shiwandashan in a hurry,

which proves that Shivandashan must have taken a risk neither he nor Charlie ever faced.

However, Maria did not persuade Charlie to give up.

Because Maria knew very well that from the moment Charlie met his grandparents,

he always wanted to know what his parents discovered and experienced at that time,

and how it was related to the acquisition of the Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures.

So, as for Maria herself, since Charlie wanted to know, he would accompany her without hesitation.

At this time, Charlie felt a little worried.

However, the connection between his parents and the secret of immortality as well as the Nine Mysteries Sutra sequence was the key that he always wanted to explore,

and he couldn’t wait to find out everything that was hidden inside.

And Shivandashan is most likely the source of all this.

Therefore, even though it was dangerous, he had to go to Mount Shivanda to find out.

Victoria came to Shivandashan by car yesterday, and her car disappeared when she left,

and there is no video footage of the car leaving at high speed,

so Charlie deduced that he might be at some point on that section of the freeway,

The car was hidden when the person left the road from that point.

Therefore, Charlie’s plan was to go to the part of the highway where Victoria disappeared

to see if he could find any traces left by Victoria.

On approaching the section of highway where Victoria disappeared,

Charlie started releasing spiritual energy to sense the surroundings, especially the valley under the bridge.

A car weighing two to three tons can’t just disappear. Most likely it is hiding in the valley.

After going through countless tunnels, Charlie suddenly slowed down.

After exiting the highway, he parked his vehicle in the emergency lane,

pointed to the opposite lane, and said to Mary:

“Victoria should have come down from there. .”

Maria asked curiously: “How do you know, Sir?”

Charlie said: “The car is down there.”

Maria was a little surprised and said, “Did he jump from here?”

Charlie nodded: “Victoria should have thrown the car first, then the guys jumped.”

Maria quickly asked: “Young Master, don’t you also want to jump out of here…”

Charlie smiled and said: “No, otherwise you drive.”

“Take the next exit off the highway and wait for me in town.”

“I will get off here.”

“No…” Maria subconsciously grabbed Charlie’s hand and said nervously,

“I want to be with the young master!”

Charlie smiled helplessly. , open the map in the central control and navigate to the location where the two of them are.

The location, as well as the location of the township where Victoria appears again, tells Maria:

“Now we only know that Victoria came down from here, and then came up from the township,”

“but the exact place where Victoria went cannot be determined.”

“If he goes If the place is relatively close to these two ends, that’s fine;”

“if far, then the route is most likely acute angled with long sides,

and the range to be sought will be enormous.”

“If you really follow me there, I’m afraid you won’t be able to bear it.”

Maria said firmly: “I will go!”