Hero Of Heart Chapter 5364

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5364

The following image shows people crying and grieving,

although there are a lot of etiquette, but fortunately, the whole picture is very fast,

and one by one the ceremonies were finished like a horse watching flowers.

After all the necessary labels are completed,

more than a dozen middle-aged men carried the coffin to the foot of the back mountain and buried the coffin here.

After that, the group of people returned to the complex of deep wooden houses,

the hustle and bustle faded away, several female family members left with her family one after another,

leaving the middle-aged man alone in the mourning room.

However, the middle-aged man could not see the pain on his face,

instead, he stood in the center of the main hall with a happy face,

looked at Meng Changsheng’s portrait on the center wall, and said with a smile:

“Old Ancestor Meng, my father died three days ago.”

“He has passed away, and today he has been buried in the earth.”

“Even if you have the ability to revive the dead,

it’s probably a waste now.”

“If you can really find the return of longevity,

You have to give him the opportunity you promised my father back then.”

“My father long lived one hundred and thirteen Zai, envy others,

I am now forty-two, I only hope that you can live long and fulfill the promise this year!”

Although the middle-aged man’s words were hard to understand, Charlie still understood the meaning of the other party,

He should be the ancestral son of the Jiang family. This time, he stood in front of Meng Changsheng’s portrait,

talking about how to let Meng Changsheng achieve longevity as quickly as possible,

and then returned to him to give him the opportunity he promised his father.

Frankly speaking, he was looking forward to Meng Changsheng’s return so he too could live forever.

After this person spoke, a sudden gust of wind blew across the main hall, and he lay down on the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

At the same time, a middle-aged man in green walked in with firm steps,

this man’s clothes and appearance were the same as Meng Changsheng’s portrait,

but he looked slightly younger than Meng Changsheng’s portrait.

Charlie could deduce that this person was Meng Changsheng.

Meng Changsheng paused at the three paintings for a long time,

then looked at the Jiang family ancestor’s old self-portrait on the right, and sighed,

“The meritorious adults are gone… Mu Yun, if you wait three more days to become a teacher,

You can fulfill this year’s mission as a teacher.”

“Now that you’re gone, as a teacher, I must fulfill the pact with you,

but just now I saw his words and deeds, which really disappointed my teacher,

So I don’t want to miss this opportunity.”

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand. He tapped the teacher’s portrait lightly, and muttered,

“Today’s matter, I have left it in this painting.”

“If your descendants blame me in the future and tear up my teacher’s portrait, they will know the reason.”

“In the future, I will be with you. Reunion in Jiuquan, don’t blame me.”

After saying that, she turned around gracefully and disappeared into the night.

At this time, all images also stopped suddenly.

Charlie was immersed in this kind of shock that almost transcended time and space, and it took him a long time to recover.

When he regained consciousness, he admired Meng Changsheng’s ability to store his thoughts in his paintings,

and at the same time couldn’t help feeling the tragic fate of a descendant of the Jiang family.

There was no doubt that when Meng Changsheng returned to that small mountain village, he would definitely have achieved longevity.

However, Charlie could also conclude,

that the “longevity” that Meng Changsheng obtained should only break through the 200 year age limit,

and it certainly does not mean immortality or immortality.

The reason why he was so certain was, on the one hand, after he mastered the “Nine Profound Heavenly Scriptures”,

he can argue from an insider’s point of view.

In fact, there is no true sense of immortality at all. .Soon.

On the other hand, it was also because of the last sentence that Meng Changsheng said

to the Jiang ancestor portrait in the picture just now The sentence is more direct,

that they would meet again beneath the Nine Springs in the future,

so don’t blame him for that.

Since the Northern Wei Dynasty, there has been a saying beneath the Nine Springs,

and at that time the “Nine Springs” represented the world after death.

Since Meng Changsheng said that he would reunite with the ancestors of the Jiang family under the Nine Springs in the future,

it means he knows that sooner or later he will die.

Therefore, Charlie made a comprehensive assessment

that Meng Changsheng should have found a way to extend his life before he was two hundred years old,

so he returned to the ancestor of the Jiang family to fulfill his promise, but he did not expect to do so.

one step too late.

But according to Meng Changsheng’s plan, even if the ancestor of the Jiang family had died,

he should have given his son a chance.

But the Jiang family’s ancestral son disappointed Meng Changsheng with his rebellious remarks in front of the portrait,

so he also missed this good chance to live to be two hundred years old or even longer.

However, Charlie couldn’t help but feel that the other descendants of the Jiang family had very good temperaments.

Until Lady Jiang’s generation, after waiting for more than a thousand years,

they were still waiting for Meng Changsheng to appear.

Whoever has a bad temper in the middle, seeing that he can’t wait left and right,

and tearing up Meng Changsheng’s portrait, he probably already knew the reason.

But sometimes it’s luck to trick people, the Jiang family didn’t wait for this result,

but they found it by accident.

At the same time, Charlie also thought to himself,

“I don’t know what method Meng Changsheng came up with to make his life span exceed the upper limit of 200 years,

and Charlie doesn’t know how many years he lived at the end. Isn’t it more than fourteen hundred years?”

Thinking of this, Charlie shook his head again, and said firmly,

“It is impossible for anyone in this world to live to be fourteen hundred years old.”

“I think this senior is already buried somewhere!”