Hero Of Heart 136

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 136

Jacob was extremely excited. This was the first time he had come to such a high-end occasion. He kept looking around, but he was still a little afraid and couldn’t let go of his hands and feet.

At the entrance of the venue, Jacob showed the invitation letter nervously.

He was a little worried, would the two invitation letters that Charlie has gotten be fake?

However, the security at the door immediately passed the verification, and respectfully said to the two of them: “Please come in!”

Jacob was relieved and walked in with Charlie.

The two of them had just entered the venue, and Harold, who was dressed up like a dog, also walked in swaggeringly.

As soon as he walked in, Harold frowned, his expression flashing in shock.

Charlie and Jacob are here!

This one, one young and rag, what are you doing here? There is only one invitation letter in the entire Willson family, and now it is in his hand, do these two rags want to get in?

Thinking of the losses suffered by Charlie before, Harold strode forward angrily, and shouted: “Charlie, how did you get in? Do you know where this is?”

Charlie suddenly heard Harold’s male duck voice, and couldn’t help frowning.

When Jacob saw Harold, he smiled triumphantly: “Oh, Harold, you are here too.”

Not only did Harold look down on Charlie, but also the second uncle Jacob, so he frowned and asked him, “What are you doing here? Is there an invitation?”

“Of course!” Jacob blurted out.

Harold asked aggressively: “Just because you two can still get the invitation letter? Where did it come from?”

Charlie glanced at him and said indifferently: “Harold, where did our invitation letter come from? What does it matter to you?”

Harold sneered and said, “As for the two of you, how can you get the invitation letter from the Song family? I think you guys stole someone else’s invitation letter and got in here, right?”

Charlie didn’t bother to pay attention to him, turned his head, and said nothing.

His ignorant attitude made Harold even angrier.

In his eyes, Charlie is mere Rubbish, he has no status at all in the Willson family, he is an inferior person!

And now, Charlie can also come to Treasure Pavilion, which makes Harold feel very humiliated!

An inferior person who eats leftovers, why stand here side by side with him.

Harold stared at Charlie, pointed at his nose, and said, “Say, how did you two get in here?”

Charlie frowned and said to Jacob: “Dad, don’t care about this kind of brain damage, let’s go, don’t care about him.”


Harold stepped forward, deliberately blocking him, staring provocatively: “You still want to run, are you guilty? You must have used shameless means to get in! You are not qualified to enter this high-end occasion. ! Show me your invitation letter!”

Charlie was also angry, even though he tolerated step by step, it was impossible for the opponent to provoke again and again.

He said coldly: “Look at my invitation letter? You are not worthy! Get out!”

Harold frowned, and anger rushed to his forehead.

In his eyes, Charlie has always been a mediocre wimp, dare to let him go!

Harold grabbed Charlie’s arm, and said coldly, “If you don’t speak clearly today, won’t let you leave.”