Hero Of Heart 183

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 183

Seeing Claire panicked, Charlie smiled and said with relief: “My wife, don’t worry about the villa, the king will never come to trouble.”

Jacob kept shaking his head: “No, last time you helped the Qin family with Feng Shui and spent hundreds of millions to procure those shells, and now the White family is looking for you again. These two families are both reputable families in Aurous Hill City. Just your little knowledge of Feng Shui. Sooner or later we have to wear clothes! In case they are held accountable, our family will have to follow suit!”

As he said, Jacob said hurriedly: “You should return the villa to the White family soon, otherwise, if someone tries to settle after the fall, we are all over!”

At this moment, Charlie’s mother-in-law Elaine blurted out: “What’s the return? This big villa was given to Charlie by Mr. White, and it was not stolen by Charlie! Why pay it back? In the future, this is our Home, our villa!”

Elaine had never thought in her life that she would have the opportunity to live in such a luxurious villa. Now that the villa has been acquired, Jacob said that he would go back. Isn’t this like killing her?

Claire shouted helplessly: “Mom! We can’t collect this kind of stuff, it will be very troublesome in the future!”

“Trouble you a**!” Elaine snorted disdainfully, then looked at Charlie and said flatly: “Oh, Charlie, I didn’t expect you to have such a great ability to earn a big villa. .”

Elaine smiled all over her face and said excitedly: “You are really a good son-in-law. If you go to show others Feng Shui early, wouldn’t our family be rich already!”

Jacob really couldn’t stand it, and said, “Wife, this is not about the villa. Even if Charlie shows them Feng Shui, he can accept a villa like this? If the White family regrets it in the future, won’t they hate us?”

Elaine jumped three feet high and pointed to Jacob’s nose and cursed: “Don’t tell me those who have nothing, I have suffered from poverty all my life with you, and now it’s hard to live in a big villa, don’t you want it? I tell You, if you dare to let your son-in-law return back this villa, I will divorce you!”

“You, you, you are a mouse giving the cat three losses, you don’t want to make money!”

Jacob was so angry that he couldn’t speak, and sat down on the sofa.

Charlie smiled and said, “Dad, don’t worry, this villa will not be taken away.”

“Good son-in-law, you are really capable.”

Elaine looked around, touching antiques for a while, painting and calligraphy for a while, and was overjoyed: “Let him show off Noah Willson. Now I live in a big villa. They can only buy a flat outside. It’s really 30 years. Thirty years in that dilapidated house”

Claire couldn’t stand it anymore, so she pulled Charlie to the side and whispered: “You tell me the truth, what is going on?”

Charlie said: “My wife. Don’t worry, it’s definitely a legitimate income. But now I am inconvenient to say that I will tell you if I have a chance in the future.”

“Since you said that there is a reason, then I believe you.” Claire thought for a while and said, “But look at Feng Shui, you still don’t do it again, lest my dad and I be worried about it.”

Charlie took the opportunity to take her hand and said, “Don’t worry, I won’t do things that worry you. Dad has been urging to have children. What should you do if I have an accident?”

“Don’t give me poor mouth.”

Claire blushed, and quickly broke free.

At this moment, Elaine happily came down the stairs and shouted while walking.

“When I return from a trip next week, I will call all the people I know and come to see the big villa I bought!”

Claire said, “Mom, the villa was given to Charlie.”

“He is our son-in-law, and the villa that is his, is also ours.”