Hero Of Heart 2

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 2

Ten billion? !

Charlie was stunned.

He knew that his grandfather’s family was rich, but he was young back then and didn’t know about money. He only knew that the Wade family was one of the top families in Eastcliff and in this country.

But he didn’t know exactly how much money he had.

But right now, he knew it.

Ten billion is just pocket money, and when it comes to the entire Wade family, he is afraid that it will be more than one trillion!

To be honest, at this moment, his heart was deeply moved.

But thinking about the death of his parents, Grandpa couldn’t avoid the blame, and he couldn’t forgive him.

Stephen Thompson saw his attachment and hurriedly said, “Sir, you are the heir of the Wade family. You deserve this money, and to be honest, it belongs to your father. “

“Master said, if you want to come back, you will inherit trillions of family properties. If you don’t want to come back, this money will be given as your living expenses. ”

“Oh yes, Aurous Hill’s largest company, the Emgrand Group with a market value of 100 billion, was wholly owned by Yejia yesterday. Now that all the shares are in your name, you can go to the Emgrand Group to turn over tomorrow! ”

Charlie is a little hard to believe.

The Wade Family’s investment was too big for him to handle, right?

Ten billion premium cards, one hundred billion Emgrand Group!

Even though Aurous Hill hid crouching dragons and tigers, the only true god was the Emgrand Group. Every family must kneel before the Emgrand Group. It was Emperor Aurous Hill’s realm of business!

Even the Willson family and the White family who humiliated him today, as well as the Jones family who chased after Claire, were all petty in front of the Emgrand Group!

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be his now?

This time, Stephen Thompson handed him a business card and said, “Mr. Wade, you might need to calm down and think about it. I will not bother you anymore. This is my phone number. Please let me know if there’s anything you should do! “

After speaking, Stephen Thompson turned and left.

After he left, Charlie was still in a daze.

He didn’t know if he should accept the Wade Family’s compensation.

But, thinking about it carefully, the humiliation he had endured for the past ten years, and the humiliation he had inflicted on the Willson family, this was the compensation given to him by the Wade family, why didn’t he accept it?

What’s more, Aunt Lena’s medical expenses still need two million, and it’s urgent.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and immediately returned to the toll office: “Hello, I want to deposit two million.”

Swipe the card, enter the password, the transaction is successful.

Two million easily credited to the hospital account.

Charlie felt like everyone was in a fog.

Is he already a billionaire?

Came home in a messy way.

The family is at odds at this time.

Claire and her parents didn’t live in Willson’s villa, but a very ordinary building.

They had been driven away ever since Claire had married him and Old Master Willson had died.

His mother-in-law screamed at home: “That trash Charlie! Let’s lose face today! If you don’t divorce her, your grandmother will kick you out of the Willson Group! ”

Claire said, “I’ll find another job when I get out.”

“You” said the mother-in-law angrily: “What’s so good about that rubbish? Why can’t you divorce her and then marry Wendell? If you marry Wendell, our family can be proud! “

The father-in-law also said aside: “Yes! Marry Wendell, our family will soon become a treasure in front of your grandmother, and your grandmother will rush to lick you every day. ”

Claire said: “Don’t say anything, I’m not divorcing Charlie.”

You want!

The two have to persuade Charlie to enter.

When they saw her, her father-in-law and mother-in-law didn’t look good.

The mother-in-law snorted coldly: “Trash, and the face that bears it all!”

Charlie sighed inside. Her mother-in-law had always looked down on her, but if she were to tell him that she was now the boss of the Emgrand Group and had 10 billion in cash, what would she be like?

However, Charlie is not ready to tell people his identity just yet.

He has been away from the Wade family for many years, who knows what the Wade family is now? What if someone in Wade’s family doesn’t like him if he exposes himself?

Hence, it was better to stay humble first.

So he lowered his head and said apologetically: “Mom, sorry, I troubled you today.”

Mother-in-law scolded: “You are more than a problem, you killed our family of three! You can’t be a little self conscious, and get out of our house? ”

Claire hurriedly said: “Mom, how do you talk, Charlie is your son-in-law!”

“That bull*!” The mother-in-law said bitterly, “I don’t have such a vain son-in-law! The farther you go, the better! ”

Claire pushed Charlie: “Quickly go to the room.”

Charlie nodded gratefully and ran back into the room.

He and Claire had been married for three years, but they hadn’t been married for three in the truest sense of the word. Claire slept on the bed and he slept on the floor beside her.

Tonight, Charlie couldn’t sleep for a long time.

What happened today was such a shock, he wouldn’t be able to digest it for a while.

Before going to bed, Claire said to her, “How’s Aunt Lena doing? I still have over 100,000 private money. You can take it to him tomorrow. ”

Charlie said, “No, someone paid Aunt Lena and sent her to Eastcliff for treatment.”

“Really?” Claire said in astonishment, “Aunt Lena was saved?”

“Yes.” Charlie said: “Aunt Lena has been doing good and accumulating virtue all her life and helping so many people. Now someone finally paid it off. “

“That’s good.” Claire nodded and said to Charlie: “You can breathe easy.”


Claire said: “I have to go to bed. Recently, the company has had a lot of things and I am very tired. ”

Charlie asked: “What happened to the company?”

Claire said: “The business isn’t very good. Granny had always wanted to cooperate with a big corporation like the Emgrand Group, but the Willson family’s strength was still much weaker and people looked down on her. ”

Charlie suddenly thought of the Emgrand Group and asked him: “The Willson family doesn’t cooperate with the Emgrand Group?”

Claire laughed at him and said: “How can the Emgrand Group look down on the Willson family! Even Wendy’s fiancé and Gerald’s family could barely catch up to the Emgrand Group. Grandma relied on them after they got married. The White family can help the Willson family connect with the Emgrand Group. ”

Charlie nodded.

It turned out that the Willson family had sharpened their heads and wanted to cooperate with the Emgrand Group.

However, Mrs. Willson was afraid of dreaming and couldn’t think of it. The Emgrand Group now belonged to her.

Thinking of this, Charlie decided to take over the Emgrand Group first, and then give Claire a little help through the Emgrand Group. He was too bullied in the Willson family. As her husband, he has the responsibility to help her raise her status in the family.

Originally, your husband was different from today!

I will never let anyone underestimate you again!

I will make the entire Willson family bow down to you!