Hero Of Heart 20

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 20

When Wendell was running away, Harold had just walked in, followed by his sister Wendy and his fiancée Yunlong White.

Besides Yunlong, there was also a richly dressed youth. Looking at his face, he looks a bit like Gerald.

When he met Wendell in person, Harold hurriedly said, “Oh, brother Wendell! When I just came in, I heard someone say something happened to your family? Is it right?”

Wendell pushed him away desperately, muttering in his mouth: “It’s over, it’s over, it’s over”

Harold asked concernedly, “Mr. Jones, what’s wrong with you? “

Wendell shook his head in fright, not daring to say anything.

He was certain that if he said something he shouldn’t, he might become a corpse in the street tomorrow.

So Wendell broke free from Harold’s grasp and ran desperately.

Harold looked back and sighed, “I guess this house is really finished, dammit, too soon, right? Good yesterday, but broke today! “

Then, when Harold saw Charlie and Claire, he was moved with an evil thought, and hurriedly greeted Claire, “Claire, I’ll introduce you to this esteemed guest. This is Gerald’s cousin, Fred White. , The eldest son of the White family. “

“Brother Fred, this is my cousin, Claire.” Harold introduced Fred with a flattering expression.

As soon as Fred entered, his eyes focused on Claire. Hearing her words, he quickly stretched out his hand and said: “Hello Claire. I have heard about the beauty of the Willson family’s daughter for a long time. Looking at it today, it really deserves its reputation. “

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed across Charlie’s eyes. There was no way for his wife to be beautiful, and the flies around him would be annoying to death after meeting each other.

So he stretched out his hand first, shook hands with Fred, and said coldly: “Hello, I’m Claire’s husband.”

“You?” Fred looked up and down at Charlie, his humiliation weighing heavily, and he withdrew his hand before he said indifferently: “I didn’t expect Claire to get married. It really is a flower in cow dung. “

Wendy quickly explained on the side: “Brother Fred, this trash was imported into our Willson family. He has no job and no ability! “

After he finished speaking, he deliberately winked at Fred and said, “Brother Fred, after I marry Gerald, we will be considered as one family, and we should have more contact then.”

Fred naturally knew what he meant. This was to encourage him to chase after Claire. Then he smiled and said, “Miss Claire is as beautiful as an immortal. If I could communicate more, I couldn’t ask for it. “

At this time, Charlie also saw his mother-in-law Elaine and father-in-law Jacob approaching.

After Elaine walked over, she hurriedly said to Claire, “Claire, have you heard? The Joneses are broke! “

“Hah?” Claire asked in surprise: “When did that happen?”

“Only just!” Elaine sighed: “I thought you would divorce Charlie in the future, and you could be with Wendell, but now there is nothing to worry about.”

Charlie is so depressed, is this mother-in-law stupid? Not knowing that the current son-in-law is the real son-in-law?

Upon seeing Elaine, Fred rushed over and introduced himself: “You must be Claire’s mother, right? Aunt, I’m Gerald’s cousin Fred. You are so beautiful, no wonder you can give birth to Claire. Very beautiful princess. “

When Elaine heard that Fred turned out to be Gerald’s cousin, the eldest son of the White family, and the son of a wealthy family! Her eyes lit up and she said enthusiastically: “Yes, I’m Claire’s mother. Are you and Claire friends? ”

Fred nodded and smiled: “Good fellow, but I just met today!”

Elaine was overjoyed, and quickly nodded and said: “Everyone quickly find a place to sit down, don’t stand up, Mr. White, you young people, you should have more contact in the future.”

“Mother!” Claire exclaimed in dissatisfaction, preventing her mother from continuing.

Elaine was about to say something, Claire helped her to remind everyone to pay attention to the stage.

At this time, Mrs. Willson was already in the spotlight!

He looked around with joy before he stood in front of the microphone and smiled and said: “First of all, on behalf of the Willson family, I welcome my dear friends and partners to come to our banquet.”

“Then, let’s welcome the Emgrand Group Deputy Chairperson, Ms. Doris.”

The searchlight moved instantly, hitting the beam of light on the front seat.

Wearing a black evening gown, Doris completely exposed her perfect figure to everyone’s eyes. Under the light, she was dazzling like a fairy, and all the men in the field couldn’t help but focus on her.

Emgrand Group, Deputy Leader! Matchless beauty! Each of these identities was enough to attract everyone’s attention.

After Doris stood up, she simply nodded at the crowd. When he saw Charlie, his eyes held for a moment before he pulled away.

At this time, Old Madam Willson continued to speak: “Today, I would like to thank the Emgrand Group for entrusting such an important project to the Willson family. The Willson family would definitely try their hardest to live up to Emgrand’s trust. “

“Secondly, we would also like to introduce to our friends an outstanding junior from our Willson family. If not for him, we would not have achieved any cooperation with Emgrand. In addition, after consulting with our group, we decided to nominate him as our Willson Group Director, fully responsible for the cooperation with the Emgrand Group! ”

Elaine’s mother-in-law said excitedly: “Oh, Claire! It’s time for you to be on stage! ”

Even though Claire was ready to go on stage, she was still nervous.

Charlie immediately gave her an encouraging look.

Harold looked at the excited Claire, and couldn’t help showing a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

Old Mrs. Willson also looked at the table and spoke with a smile.

“Let’s welcome the new director of the Willson Group, Harold!”

Claire’s figure instantly froze in place

He looked to the side in disbelief, but saw Harold proudly and strode onto the stage.

Charlie’s eyes immediately turned cold.

Great way to cross rivers and destroy bridges!

The Willsons, after using Claire, immediately abandoned her, not caring about her feelings at all!

Claire’s eye circles immediately reddened, and tears continued to well up in her eye sockets.

Immediately after that, he stood up and ran out the door without looking back.

As for him, how happy he was when he came, how hopeless he is now!

Charlie watched her leave, his face even colder.

Bullying my wife? Are you looking for death?

At this time, Harold stood on the stage and said proudly: “Thank you for the company’s trust, I will definitely work hard to become a director! I will definitely complete the project given to us by the Emgrand Group! ”

Mrs Willson nodded in satisfaction, picked up her words, and said: “There is one more important thing about this banquet, that is, we are lucky to have Mister Wade, the new chairman of the Emgrand Group! Please use the warmest applause, welcome to Chief Wade! ”

There was a standing ovation from the audience!

All the guests tonight rushed to meet the new head of Emgrand Group!

Everyone is waiting to see her style!

Everyone is watching privately, just want to see, who will stand up at this time!

Someone even said: “I suspect that the mysterious leader of the Emgrand Group is the same person as the super goddess who made a lot of noise on the Rare Earth on the Internet!”

“I also think it is very possible! The superhero’s back looks weird, it shouldn’t be in the Aurous Hill circle! ”

“Lord! If you say that, isn’t the chairman of the Emgrand Group the strongest super-rich in Aurous Hill? ”

“I look forward to seeing it in its true colors!”

In this fierce applause, under the enthusiastic attention of many people, Charlie suddenly, with a cold face and slowly stood up