Hero Of Heart 279

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade

Chapter 279

The matter of Charlie’s refining magical medicine spread like wildfire among several upper-class families in Aurous Hill.

Solmon White, the owner of the White family, Fungui Bao, the owner of Treasure Pavillion, and Orvel, the owner of Classic Mansion, all heard the news.

Although the three of them couldn’t help but want to ask Charlie for medicine, Solmon White was the only one who really had the face to speak.

Solmon White is confident.

After all, he had already expressed his sincerity to Charlie long ago, and even gave Charlie a Tomson First-Class villa that had been bought for more than 100 million.

Therefore, he also ran to Charlie’s house in the afternoon, taking advantage of Charlie’s own home, and begged Charlie for a magical medicine.

Charlie did not refuse him.

After all, he’s a relatively comfortable person. Although his son and nephew are a bit stupid and a bit bad, they have been taught the lesson. Now he treats himself honestly and docilely. It’s just medicine, no need. Stingy.

Solmon White got an affirmative answer and slammed Charlie three heads excitedly.

The richer people are more afraid of death. For them, the miracle medicine is like a miracle medicine for rebirth. Everyone wants to be able to get self-defense.

After agreeing to Solmon White and sending him away, Charlie took out some medicinal materials at home and refined a batch of pills.

In this batch, he used only one-tenth of the medicinal materials to make 30 pills.

Moreover, because the pill this time uses a full set of prescriptions, the medicinal materials are much better than the last one, so the efficacy is more than ten times higher.

If the previous one can treat almost most moderate internal injuries and has some effect on all internal injuries, then this time the pill can almost heal fatal internal injuries.

Even Tianqi’s years of old wounds and stubborn illnesses can be cured by swallowing half a capsule.

If you are chased by a master, even if you only have one breath, you can survive by taking this medicine.

After refining the medicine, Charlie kept twenty of them, took out ten of them, and called Warnia, Tianqi, Qin Gang, and Solmon White that he had refined the magic medicine. It will be set up at Orvel’s Classic Mansion tonight. Banquet, distribute the magic medicine to them.

When everyone heard it, they were ecstatic.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Wade is really a dragon! The magic medicine was made so quickly! It’s almost as fast as making dumplings!

That night, everyone came to Classic Mansion in advance, waiting for Charlie’s ride.

Charlie prepared meals for Claire, his father-in-law, and his mother-in-law before telling them that he had an old friend from the orphanage who had come back and wanted to meet for a small gathering and then slipped out of the house.

At the gate of Classic Mansion, Solmon White, Qin Gang, and his daughter, Warnia, the genius doctor Tianqi, his granddaughter Zhovia, Orvel, and others personally greeted them at the door.

Today, Classic Mansion closed doors and thanked guests, only to entertain Charlie alone.

Seeing Charlie, everyone’s expressions were stunned, and they clasped their fists and said respectfully: “Welcome Mr. Wade.”

Charlie glanced at the crowd and smiled faintly: “You guys came really early, when did you arrive?”

Warnia smiled slightly: “Mr. Wade, it’s rare for you to organize the game yourself. We must arrive a little earlier to show respect.”

For today’s dinner, Warnia deliberately dressed up and put on an elegant and noble black evening dress. The tulle lining outlines her perfect and slim curve, but it does not appear coquettish, but rather different. Charming.

Coupled with Warnia’s perfect facial features, she showed her temperament to the fullest.