Hero Of Heart 302

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade

Claire nodded worriedly.

Immediately afterwards, she saw Old Mrs. Willson walking over from the outside passage with Noah Willson, Harold, and Wendy on crutches.

Harold, who has beaten up some time ago and caught in the police station, had just been redeemed by the Lady Willson with money, so at this moment Harold saw Charlie and his face was full of resentment towards him.

But Charlie didn’t bother to care about him.

Today is a big day for the opening of the business, and he doesn’t want to have any conflict with them, so as long as this group of people does not go too far, he will not take the initiative to provoke them.

Wendy walked to the front, sneered, and said: “Claire, you don’t even say hello when you see your grandma, are you too unfilial?”

Claire said indifferently: “You have kicked us out of the Willson family. It stands to reason that we have nothing to do now!”

“b@stard!” Old Mrs. Willson jabbed her crutches to the ground and said angrily, “You are the blood of the Willson family, so you are born to be from the Willson family, and when you die, you are also the ghost of the Willson family!”

Charlie said coldly at this time: “Some people speak too much. They said they were kicked out of their homes, and they no longer recognize them as members of the Willson family. Now they say that they belong to the Willson family. Is this not too contradictory?”

Harold gritted his teeth and said: “When grandma speaks, it doesn’t suit a waste like you to interrupt!”

Charlie looked at him, and asked, “Did you not get beaten enough last time? Do you want me to loosen your muscles?!”

Harold’s neck shrank, and he immediately persuaded.

When he robbed the villa last time, he had already seen Charlie’s strength, let alone one himself, even ten of them would not be his opponent, so he should be honest.

At this time, Claire pursed her mouth, turned her head to look at Mrs. Willson, and said, “Sorry, we didn’t invite you at today’s opening ceremony. Please leave as soon as possible.”

“Opening ceremony?” Mrs. Willson said disdainfully: “Claire, you wouldn’t think that if your small workshop opens, there will really be customers to join us?”

Noah Willson on the side also chuckled and said, “I heard that you still sent an invitation letter to the Emgrand Group with a shy face? You don’t want to think about how it is possible for a small workshop like yours to enter the eyes of the Emgrand Group.”

“Yes.” The Old Mrs. Willson took the conversation back again, and said with a look of consolation: “Claire, the family doesn’t talk about two families, the couple quarreled at the head of the bed, and the end of the bed was reconciled as before, let alone you, It’s my granddaughter, you have my blood in your body, why fight with me?”

With that said, the Old Mrs. Willson went further and said: “Look at you, you are working on such a dilapidated studio by yourself. It requires money and resources, and there are no resources. Why not return to the Willson Group, and grandma will let you be the director, and you work with your grandmother. In the future, I will give you an account of the shares of the Willson Group, and even let you take over as the head. What do you think?”

The Willson family is in a very difficult situation recently.

Emgrand broke off their cooperation with them, blocked them, and the White family came to divorce again, and Harold couldn’t support the wall with mud.

Mrs. Willson’s only hope at this time was to bring Claire back to work within the group to make a breakthrough in business.

Maybe Claire could get the Emgrand Group’s contract back, so that other partners would come to cooperate with them one after another, and the situation would be reversed in no time.

However, Mrs. Willson did not expect that Claire will shake her head calmly in rejection. She said, “I am not interested, I just want to do my own thing.”

Noah Willson coldly snorted, “Claire, I would advise you to be respectful. Do you see how desolate you are when you opened here today? Does anyone congratulate you? That’s what you want to start a business? I think you are 80% still destined to failure. Start a business, then go bankrupt, is this what you want?”

Charlie’s expression was full of disdain and sarcasm and said: “Is there anyone here to congratulate, what to do with you? As long as you want to know, the entire Aurous Hill dignitaries will come to congratulate Claire!”