Hero Of Heart 338

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade

Chapter 338

Thinking of this, she hurriedly introduced Noah Willson and said: “This is my eldest son Noah Willson.

Fredmen Willson nodded with Noah Willson, but he didn’t seem to care about him in his attitude.

The Lady Willson introduced Harold and said, “Fredmen Willson, this is my grandson, Harold.”

Harold knelt and licked his face and said hurriedly: “Hello Mr.Fredmen! Please take care of me in the future.”

Fredmen Willson responded with um, um, before the Lady Willson introduced Wendy, his eyes had already ran to Wendy.

At this time, the Old Mrs. Willson smiled unpredictably before introducing Wendy and saying: “Fredmen Willson, this one is my granddaughter Wendy Willson.”

Fredmen Willson breathed a sigh of relief.

He came to the Willson family for the first time, and he was worried about whether Wendy would be Harold’s wife. In that case, he didn’t seem to have a chance to start.

But when she heard that she was also from the Willson family, Fredmen Willson’s heart suddenly became alive.

Although Wendy is not a superb beauty, she can definitely be regarded as an upper-middle or even first-rate. Otherwise, Gerald of the White family would not be able to look down upon her.

It’s a pity that Wendy has always been pressed by Claire, a top super first-class beauty, so no matter whether she is in Willson’s house or in Aurous Hill, she can’t seem to show it.

But now that Claire is not there, Wendy has just cried again, her eyes and nose are red, which really makes a man feel the desire to care for her and protect her in his heart.

The Old Mrs. Willson saw that Fredmen Willson was wrong with Wendy, so she hurriedly said: “Fredmen, Wendy is 24 this year, and she has no boyfriend. If there are suitable young talents around Fredmen Willson, you can introduce them to Wendy.”

She didn’t really want Fredmen Willson to introduce someone to Wendy, she just told Fredmen Willson in a disguised form that her granddaughter is single now if he wants to have a chance!

Fredmen Willson was indeed tempted.

He is old and his wife is also old, and he has long lost interest in her.

Moreover, when he came to Aurous Hill this time, his wife was not around, so I could play at will. If I could take this opportunity to be happy with Wendy, it would indeed be a good thing in the world.

Thinking of this, he took the initiative to reach out to Wendy, smiled, and said, “Ms. Wendy is so beautiful, why doesn’t she have a boyfriend?”

It’s okay not to say this. When he said this, Wendy’s eyes were red, and two lines of tears flowed out.

She was dying in discomfort.

The Willson family is dying now, and all his good expectations have all gone into vain. Gerald now thinks that he wants to see the plague god, and can’t avoid it. Let alone marry that family, even if she asked him to have a breakup, he probably won’t take a look at her.

She is so miserable, but her cousin, Claire, is like a fish in the water. So many big people used to celebrate her opening, really wanting face and pomp, such a comparison, how can she not be angry, not annoyed deep in her heart, Not desperate?

Seeing Wendy crying, Fredmen Willson suddenly felt distressed and said hurriedly: “Oh, what is wrong with Miss Wendy? Why are you crying?”

Mrs. Willson hurriedly said, “Isn’t there something wrong with our family’s company? Wendy has a deep relationship with the company and feels uncomfortable. For these two days, she has been begging me to find a way to save the company. But I Lady Willson, seeing The loess is half-buried, what can I do to save the company? So there is no way, I can only watch my precious granddaughter cry uncomfortably”

Fredmen Willson immediately said to Wendy, “Ms. Wendy, if you have any needs, you can tell me! I am quite capable, maybe I can help you?”