Hero Of Heart 4588

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Charlie Wade Charismatic Chapter 4588

When Hogan Chen walked out of the airport, everyone who passed by took out their weapons and pointed them at Hogan Chen.

Gerard Liu was naturally excited, he couldn’t wait to see Hogan Chen shot dead, but at this moment,

Everyone’s weapons suddenly turned around and aimed at him.

Just when he was stunned, Hogan Chen suddenly sneered at him, and then waved his hand slightly.

Immediately after, the gun-wielding assassins immediately pulled the trigger, and the bullets hit him frantically,

causing him to scream and sit up straight.

Bella Fang was doing her makeup in the bathroom at the moment, when she heard the movement, she rushed over and asked nervously,

“What’s the matter with you, Ka Fai? Are you having nightmares?

“It’s okay… Dreams and upside down reality…”

Just as he was speaking, his phone suddenly rang.

He picked it up and found that it was Melba Watt calling, so he immediately pressed the answer button and said,

“Hello, Mr. Liu! I called so early, what’s your order?”

said Melba Watt on the other end of the line. Liu, my assistant will arrive at Hong Kong Island in an hour, if it’s convenient for you, you’d better pick him up at the airport.”

Gerard Liu was of course very upset when Melba Watt asked him to pick up his assistant.

According to him, when Melba Watt’s assistant arrived, it was almost enough to find a hotel to cheer him up on his own,

and let him go to the airport to pick him up.

At this point, Melba Watt said again:

“By the way, Mister Liu, I forgot to tell you beforehand that this assistant of mine was appointed by the two major shareholders of Yisu Shipping, Miss Ito and Miss Su, and she is better than me in many ways.

He has more rights to speak, if President Liu wants to promote cooperation between us, be sure to do a good reception job.”

When Gerard Liu heard this, his mentality immediately changed 180 degrees, and he exclaimed:

“Don’t worry President He, I will definitely go to the airport to meet you in person and clean up the dust for your assistant.

He was new to Hong Kong Island and definitely not familiar with Hong Kong Island. , so let him live in my house, there are so many rooms in my house!”