Hero Of Heart 4590

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Charlie Wade Charismatic Chapter 4590

Bella Fang asked inexplicably,

“Isn’t the Temple of the Cataclysmic Front a mercenary? mercenaries who give money to work for whom? He must be the one who comes to please us, why do we need us to please them? “

Gerard Liu said insultingly,

“Those who don’t know are not afraid! The Cataclysmic Front Temple was no ordinary mercenary organization, it was one of the most powerful mercenaries in the world.

They basically disdain to cooperate with individuals, they all cooperate with several countries and the warlords of these countries, the reason why Ys Shipping was able to take the Palace Cataclysmic Front this time is also because the Su family has some ties to the Cataclysmic Front troops!”

Then, he said proudly:

“I have investigated the Yisu Dispatch, the father of Joseph, the lord of the Cataclysmic Front army, is his younger brother. Su Shoudao was from the Su family in Eastcliff, and was promoted by Su Shoudao.

That is, the Su family was kind to the Wan family, so Joseph would only cooperate with the Su family after the Eastcliff Ye family was settled. Otherwise, even if the Su family is rich, it may not be able to use Joseph!

By the way, Gerard Liu saw that Bella Fang was confused, and hurriedly urged: “

Okay, you go to order the maid to clean the guest room, and then get the housekeeper to prepare a banquet, and then take the time to change clothes and go to the airport with me.” Invite someone! do with him!”

Bella Fang said with an ugly expression: “Calling Manqiong back at this time, aren’t you uncomfortable? If you fight against you again and ignore your honored guests, won’t you miss your important event?”

Gerard Liu laughed and said:

“It is because of Manqiong’s character that I want to let Manqiong come back to accompany him! She was beautiful, and when a man saw her, she lost at least half of her body and soul.

If he was there, maybe his last name would be Wade. The child will turn around to please me! And he’s usually over-the-top, eccentric, rebellious, and belittling any guy, so naturally he won’t suffer a loss.

He’s a carrot hanging in front of a donkey. Let the donkeys see, eat and run harder! So, as long as he is there, even if he throws a stinky face, it can save me twice the results with half the effort!

Bella Fang muttered:

“Your daughter doesn’t even know what you’re saying. If you don’t listen, why do you listen to my stepmother? If you want to call him, you better call yourself…”

Gerard Liu was slightly displeased with Bella’s attitude, but after hesitating for a moment, he waved his hand and said helplessly:

“Forget it, I’ll tell him on the way! Go and arrange other things!”

“Okay!” Bella Fang did not dare to refuse, and nodded quickly.