Hero Of Heart 4591

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Charlie Wade Charismatic Chapter 4591

At the same time, Charlie receives a call from Melba Watt and learns that Gerard Liu actually wants to invite him to stay at his house.

Apart from being surprised, he couldn’t help but joke in his heart, so he called out to Joseph. After the call, Charlie asked him:

“Joseph, where are you now?”

Joseph respectfully said:

“Go back Mr. Wade, my subordinates will pick you up at the airport.”

Charlie said to him,

“Joseph, you don’t need to go to the airport to meet me today, I plan to stay at Gerard Liu’s house. for a few days.”

Joseph asked in surprise. Said: “Master Wade, do you want to live directly at Gerard Liu’s house?!”

“Yes.” Charlie said indifferently:

“Since he wants to lead the wolves into the house, then I will borrow the donkey and go to his house to chat with him.”

Joseph couldn’t help but laugh:

“Perhaps this will be the most regretful decision Gerard Liu has ever made in his life.”

Charlie smiled slightly and asked him, “How have you been on Hong Kong Island these two days?”

Joseph hurriedly said:

“My subordinates will report this matter to you, I have sorted out all of Gerard Liu’s information, and the situation of several major powers on Hong Kong Island.

The main forces on the island are all preparing to attack Hogan Chen, to win 30 million US dollars from Gerard Liu’s prize, but the Hong Kong Island Police also received news, they and the customs have been waiting for the past two days, and they must ensure that Hogan Chen arrived in Hong Kong,

After handing it over to them, nothing can happen, so the assassins who want to take this gift want to wait for Hogan Chen to be released as soon as possible.”

Charlie asked curiously:

“How was the process? after Uncle Chen was sent back? , did you understand clearly?”

“Understand.” Joseph said:

“Because the process when he left the country was natural and legal, but he stayed in the United States illegally because his visa expired and was in violation of United States law, so after returning, he will not be punished.

The police and customs on Hong Kong Island will provide him with a normal immigration process. In addition, if he leaves Hong Kong Island for too long, they may apply for new documents for him, and then they will notify his family to meet to take him home, and it is estimated that the whole process will not take more than 48 hours.

In this case, the time is not urgent, you can play slowly with the surnamed Liu.”

Joseph said:

“Okay Mr Wade, subordinates will be on standby at any time, waiting for your dispatch.”