Hero Of Heart 4594

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Charlie Wade Charismatic Chapter 4594

Bella’s expression suddenly became a little embarrassed.

Gerard Liu at the side, his facial muscles twitched a few times.

Even though Charlie said it vaguely, it was actually just to show these two people.

Although Charlie didn’t say anything about Bella Fang’s specific actions, the couple thought about Bella Fang’s elopement with Hogan Chen.

Over the years, this incident had become Bella Fang’s weakness in front of Gerard Liu, and was also a sore point in Gerard Liu’s heart.

Charlie clicked here incoherently, which made both of them very uncomfortable.

And the reason why Charlie said that was completely intentional.

He just wanted to see how much patience Gerard Liu had in front of him.

He was only provoking him a little now, if he could endure it, there would be an even bigger provocation waiting for him later.

It would be great if Gerard Liu could turn his face in front of her.

After all, Charlie flew all the way from the United States this time to teach him how to be a man.

In addition, it is best for Charlie to use the topic to play with, even if Gerard Liu accidentally steps on Charlie’s feet, Charlie will use this pretext to tear him apart.

However, how does Gerard Liu know that Charlie is not the God of Wealth who came to cooperate at all, but the evil star who came to peel the skin.

At this point, he suppressed the anger expressed by Charlie, and said to Charlie with a smile on his face:

“Master Wade has come from afar, and the journey must have been very difficult. welcome banquet for Mr Wade at home. If Mr. Wade If you don’t like it, we’ll be leaving right now.”

Charlie nodded and said lightly, “Then I’ll be more respectful than obedient.”

Gerard Liu laughed, made an invitation gesture, and then hugged Charlie’s back. He said enthusiastically, “Come here, Mr. Wade, please this way!”

Outside the airport exit hall, a fleet of several Rolls-Royces were parked neatly by the side of the road.

Gerard Liu led Charlie to the Rolls-Royce sedan in the middle, and then said to his wife Bella Fang, “Bella, you take the front car, and Mr. Wade and I take this one.”

Bella Fang had no choice but to nod and turn to leave. When she reached the Rolls-Royce up ahead, the bodyguard opened the door for her, and she bowed and entered.

Gerard Liu took the initiative to open the back car door for Charlie, and said with a smile, “Mr. Wade, please go first!”

Charlie was polite too, nodded slightly, and got into the car.

Gerard Liu also sat down immediately, and the convoy slowly left the airport. Gerard Liu took the initiative to chat with Charlie:

“I don’t know if Mr. Wade has been to Hong Kong Island before?”

Charlie said nonchalantly: “I have, but very little. It is time.”

Gerard Liu said with a smile:

“In recent years, the changes have been very, very big. If Mr. Wade has enough time in the past two days, I will take you around Hong Kong Island to see how things are going. Hong Kong Island for many years!”

Her cell phone suddenly rang, and it was her daughter Liu Manqiong who made the call.

He said apologetically to Charlie:

“Sorry Mr Wade, I’m on a call. This is my daughter. “

Charlie nodded:

“Mr. Liu, please.”

Gerard Liu answered the phone and asked, “Manqiong, are you home yet?”

A cold voice came from the other end of the phone:

“I have something to do during the day, so I won’t be going back.”

Gerard Liu suddenly said angrily, “What are you doing? ! I didn’t tell you that there were honored guests during the day! I don’t care what you have to do, you have to go home at noon today! “

The other end of the phone said very dissatisfied:

“I said I had something to do. You treat your own esteemed guest, what does that have to do with me? “

Gerard Liu said angrily. :

“If I don’t see you home in half an hour, don’t want a second HK$50 million donation!”

“You…” The voice on the other end of the phone trembled with anger, “You How can I take back my words!”

Gerard Liu said coldly, “The money is mine, I can give it if I want, and I won’t give it if I don’t want to, in short, think for yourself!”

After that, Gerard Liu immediately hung up the phone.

Immediately after, he hurriedly said to Charlie, “Mr. Wade, I’m really sorry, that little girl is naughty, I made you laugh!”