Hero Of Heart 4595

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Charlie Wade Charismatic Chapter 4595

After the convoy entered, the first bodyguard got out of the car and opened the door for Charlie, Gerard Liu, and Bella Fang in another car.

The waiters called Mr. and Mrs. hello simultaneously, but Gerard Liu pointed directly at Charlie and said to everyone,

“Come on, say hello to Mr Wade!”

So, everyone hastily bowed to Charlie and said hello.

Gerard Liu went on to say to the crowd,

“Master Wade will be staying at home in the next few days. You guys have to serve Mr Wade well and don’t let Mr Wade have any discontent, did you guys hear?”

The crowd naturally agreed in succession, not daring to belittle.

Later, Gerard Liu said to Charlie,

“Mr. Wade, before you came, I had the maid clean the living room.
As long as you are on Hong Kong Island, you will stay with me, and treat this place as your own. I’m welcome! ”

Charlie was also very happy, so he said with a smile,

“If that’s the problem, then I’ll be more respectful than obedient!”

“Okay!” Gerard Liu hugged Charlie’s back enthusiastically, and said with a smile,

“Come on, Mister Wade, please come in!”

After saying that, she and Charlie entered her house together.

The household manager followed step by step and said respectfully,

“Master, the banquet is ready, when do you think it will start?”

Gerard asked him,

“Is the lady back yet?”

The household manager said honestly,

“Not yet.”

Gerard suddenly said angrily:

“This stinky girl! If he dares to let me jump this time, I won’t give him a penny in the next three years!”

Bella Fang in addition said with gusto:

“Why are you saying this when you know you can’t do it?”

Gerard asked angrily,

“How do you know I can’t do it?”

Bella said indifferently:

“You’ve said this once or twice, weren’t you the one who compromised in the end?”

Gerard felt very embarrassed and said angrily:

“This time is different! This time, I Gerard Liu will do as I say and never break my promise!”

Bella smiled and said casually,

“Then I’ll wait and see.”

Charlie watched with cold eyes, always feeling that Bella was a little annoying, and his words were meant to sow discord.

He couldn’t help feeling sorry for Hogan Chen.

Hogan Chen originally had a bright future, but to him, it really wasn’t worth wasting half of his life at the roast goose shop in New York’s Chinatown.

In addition, he can also see that Hogan Chen is still thinking about this Bella Fang to this day, and when he mentions Bella Fang, there is always a different light in Hogan Chen’s eyes.

He always thought that Bella Fang had no choice but to leave, because he couldn’t stand the plight of illegal immigrants in the United States.

However, if he saw Bella Fang today, would he be surprised or disappointed?

At this moment, a woman’s cold voice came from behind Charlie:

“Sorry, Madame Liu, if you want to watch a good show, I’m afraid you will be disappointed this time.”

When Gerard Liu heard the voice, he turned around quickly and saw his eldest daughter staring at Bella Fang with a cold face.

He was stunned for a moment, and then he hurriedly said,

“Jemima, what I said just now, your father, were all angry words, so I’ll know you can’t let Dad jump in!”

After speaking, he hastily introduced her to Charlie:

Wade, let me introduce you, this is my eldest daughter, Jemima Liu, who is now studying for her doctorate at Hong Kong University!”

Immediately after, he greeted Jemima Liu and said,

“Jemima, come here, Daddy will introduce you to a young talent, Mr Charlie Wade from the mainland!”