Hero Of Heart 4596

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Charlie Wade Charismatic Chapter 4596

When Charlie saw Jemima Liu for the first time, he just felt that this girl was much prettier than the pictures.

What Charlie saw in the documents were all the ID photos of this girl. The ID photo is wearing glasses and not smiling. They just look more refined and beautiful, but far from stunning.

However, in front of Jemima Liu, who was slender and tall, with white and rosy skin, her bare facial features had the charm of classic Chinese beauty. With a long ponytail, it seems that an angel has fallen into the neighbor’s house and become the top version of the sister next door.

Jemima Liu’s dress was a very simple, plain dress, a simple pair of black sandals, and a completely unbranded shoulder bag. Such a casual dress made her extraordinary temperament even more. , to a whole new level.

Charlie really did not expect that Gerard Liu who had a fat head and big ears could give birth to a daughter like a fairy. Judging by Jemima Liu’s facial features, Gerard Liu’s genes barely had an effective effect on her.

At this time, Jemima Liu only glanced at Charlie with lukewarmness, and said casually, “Mr. Wade, hello.”

After speaking, without waiting for Charlie’s response, he immediately said to Gerard Liu, “Not that I’d let it. back for dinner? Please hurry, I have something to do in the afternoon, so I can’t delay too long. “

Gerard Liu was annoyed by Jemima Liu’s attitude and said: “How is your attitude? , I also plan to ask you to help me entertain, and take Mr. Wade around in the afternoon!”

Jemima Liu refused without hesitation: “No, I said that I have something to do in the afternoon! Since it’s your guest, why don’t you entertain yourself?”

Gerard Liu angrily said: “I think you and Mr. Wade are about the same age, they are the same age, more suitable to entertain you than me!”

“I don’t have time!” Jemima Liu said angrily “You asked me to come back for dinner, I’m back, please stop and don’t push yourself too far!” Gerard Liu said

coldly, “What is this? your attitude to talk to your father? ?”

Bella Fang hurriedly came over at this time and said, “Aiya Jiahui, why are you fighting with your child? Besides, Mister Wade is also here, so you can’t let the esteemed guest see the joke.”

After speaking, he hastily smiled and tried to persuade Jemima Liu: “Jemima, you know your father’s temper. Not having the same knowledge as him. Hurry up and sit down to eat.”

Jemima Liu gave Bella Fang a disdainful look, and said coldly, “You don’t have to pretend to be a good person here.”

Bella Fang’s expression was faint. Changed, but he still laughed and said “Jemima, you may have misunderstood. now, my original intention was to persuade your father not to be serious with you, and there is no hatred between father and daughter, so what can’t be said?”

Jemima Liu said lightly: “There is really no hatred between your father and mother. and her daughter, but there is an inseparable hatred between the princess and the female fox that destroys the family!”

As soon as these words came out, Bella Fang’s expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

Gerard Liu’s face on the side was also pale.

Bella Fang’s big eyes were instantly covered with a layer of moisture, and she said to Gerard Liu sadly: “Gerard…”

Gerard Liu was also very upset. However, Jemima Liu refers to Bella Fang as a female fox, and the subtext is also the equivalent of calling her a heartless man.

So, Gerard Liu who was very embarrassed, immediately shouted at Jemima Liu: “Apologize to your little mother, immediately, immediately!”

Jemima Liu said with a gloomy expression: “Sorry, you and he are the killers who indirectly killed my mother, and I will never apologize to you two!”

“You!” Gerard Liu suddenly became annoyed, pointed at Jemima Liu, was silent for a while.