Hero Of Heart 4597

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Charlie Wade Charismatic Chapter 4597

In this life, Jemima Liu hates Bella Fang the most.

From the moment he just remembered, he remembered his mother washing his face with tears every day at home, and his father rarely coming home to their mother Second, the woman did not care.

And the fox spirit in her mother’s mouth is Bella Fang, hidden in Gerard Liu’s golden house.

At that time, her mother was still pregnant with her sister, and precisely because she was pregnant with her sister, she neglected routine physical examinations and failed to detect and intervene in time in the early stages of cancer.

His mother became pregnant in October. After giving birth to her younger sister, my mother breastfed her for half a year.

During that time, in order to ensure the health of breast milk, her mother would not take a single pill even if she caught a cold, so her illness was more delayed.

When her mother felt unwell and went to the hospital, the doctor told her that she had terminal cancer.

Doctors also said that the rapid development of his condition had something to do with his depression.

Because of that, Jemima Liu couldn’t forgive her father Gerard Liu, much less the Bella Fang in front of him.

Bella Fang knew that she was wrong, so she never dared to face Jemima Liu head-on.

After she gave birth to her son, her mother was left out, and she also tried to use her position in front of Gerard Liu to find a way to get Jemima Liu out of this family.

However, after some trial and error, he discovered that although Gerard Liu had never admitted his faults this year to Jemima Liu on the surface, he had always felt that he owed this princess a lot, so Gerard Liu was tolerant of Jemima Liu in every possible way.

It was precisely because of this that Bella Fang was never able to find a suitable opportunity to drive Jemima Liu out of her eyes.

As a result, three people with their own thoughts fell into a strange stalemate.

At this time, Charlie was playing around and said to Gerard Liu, “Master Liu, I can’t talk to outsiders about your homework. when?”

Gerard Liu heard this. After saying this, he quickly changed his face and said with a smile,

“Aiya, Mister Wade, I am very sorry, it is because I have no way to teach you a joke!”

He said to Jemima Liu again,

“Master Wade is here today. , we can’t let Mr Wade see the joke. I have no other requirements for you. Have a good meal together during the day. In the afternoon, you can help me accompany Mr. Wade around. Starting tomorrow, I will no longer take up your time. What do you think?”

Jemima Liu immediately asked,

“What do you think of the 50 million donation you promised me?”

Gerard Liu waved his hand. hands and said proudly,

“As long as you help me accompany Mr Wade, I will make the donation tomorrow. I will do it!”

“Okay.” Jemima Liu agreed without hesitation, and said, “I keep your word!”

Hearing this, Charlie smiled a little and said,

“Since you two have agreed, then let’s sit down and eat. Let’s chat. “

Gerard Liu said with a smile:

“Yeah, yeah, chatting while eating, chatting while eating!”

The four of them sat down at the dining table, and the waiter immediately brought a variety of food.

The food is almost all classic Cantonese dishes, and each dish is very elegant.

While greeting Charlie for dinner, Gerard Liu introduced this precious dish to Charlie:

“Mr Wade, our Cantonese cuisine is world-renowned for its precious ingredients, and my family’s ingredients are the best of the world! You see Shark fin, abalone, fish belly, fish belly, bird’s nest and Aolong all the best!

And my Chinese chef is also an expert on Cantonese cuisine. There are so many dishes on this table, one of which can be called the best. The pinnacle of Cantonese cuisine!”

Charlie nodded slightly, didn’t move his chopsticks, but looked at Gerard Liu and asked seriously,

“Oh, by the way, Mr Liu, I heard that roast goose is a classic among the classics in Cantonese cuisine. Have you ever felt it? “