Hero Of Heart 4598

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Charlie Wade Charismatic Chapter 4598

When Charlie mentioned roast goose, Gerard Liu and Bella Fang’s expressions suddenly changed.

A Hong Kong Island native, Gerard Liu used to love roast goose.

But ever since he learned that Hogan Chen, a talented businessman, had been selling roast goose for 20 years in Chinatown in the United States, he hated roast goose to the core.

Because as long as he thought of roast goose, he would think of Hogan Chen.

As long as he thinks of Hogan Chen, he will think of Bella Fang’s runaway marriage to him, which makes everyone on Hong Kong Island know.

Moreover, what made him even more depressed was that a woman like Bella Fang, who didn’t touch the sun with her finger, was willing to follow Hogan Chen and sell roasted goose for several years in Chinatown, making his heart ache even more.

But for those who have been hurt, however strong they may appear on the surface, they must have been fragile at heart, or fragile in some respects.

Although Gerard Liu was strong and had a separate status on Hong Kong Island, the more because of this, the more he cared about the green hat he was wearing back then.

Bella Fang’s face was embarrassed because of this.

She had been well liked by Gerard Liu for many years, and after giving birth to a son Gerard Liu, she was held in the palm of his hand by Gerard Liu.

However, it was only the incident at that time that always made him very uneasy.

Because he knew that it had always been Gerard Liu’s minefield, and the basic reason why Gerard Liu isolated himself from his assets was also because of the existence of this minefield.

If not for this incident, he would have already become Gerard Liu’s most important and most trusted person, and Gerard Liu’s assets would naturally own half of his.

It’s one step, one step.

Seeing the subtle expressions on the two of them, Charlie was amused for a while, but asked curiously, “What’s the matter with you two? Is there something wrong with roast goose?”

Gerard Liu said embarrassedly, “No, this is mainly because there is no home today. Prepare roast goose, if Mr. Wade likes to eat it, I will let someone prepare it at night!”

“Okay!” Charlie nodded and sighed: “I love the crispy and greasy roast goose taste best, paired with the sweet. Osmanthus juice, it’s called authentic…”

Gerard Liu’s expression was even more depressed, he even thought that Charlie was deliberately mentioning roast goose to stimulate himself.

However, on second thought, few people should know about Hogan Chen selling roast goose in the United States.

After all, the news that Hogan Chen would be deported was only recently released by himself, when he was released, he did not reveal what Hogan Chen was actually doing in the United States.