Hero Of Heart 4599

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Charlie Wade Charismatic Chapter 4599

So, thinking about this, he felt a little relieved, thinking that Charlie might have just mentioned roast goose by chance.

After that, he bit the bullet and said with a smile: “Looks like Mr. Wade has a lot of research on Cantonese cuisine. If that’s the case, then I’ll have someone prepare more brine, roast goose, and roast pigeon tonight. ! “

Charlie was satisfied. He smiled and said with a thumbs up: “Mr Liu is very particular about his work! To be honest, I used to come to Hong Kong Island with my dad when I was little. Although many memories have faded, the roast goose is still remembered. New!”

Gerard Liu asked curiously, “Oh? I wonder if Mr Wade still remembers which roast goose he ate when he was a kid? If it’s still open, I’ll ask the maid to buy it for you!”

Charlie nodded. Looking back for a moment, he said with a serious face: “If I remember correctly, the roast goose shop should be called Chen Ji Roast Goose. I really can’ I don’t remember the exact location, but I still remember the taste. New, however, the taste is absolutely amazing, and I still have an unforgettable taste!”

Chen Kee Roast Goose is a roast goose restaurant opened by Hogan Chen’s old father in Hong Kong Island.

The old man had worked hard for decades to make Chen Kee Roast Goose the most famous roast goose brand on Hong Kong Island. It has even been listed on Hong Kong Island’s list of affordable Michelin restaurants for years. Very famous on Hong Kong Island.

When Gerard Liu heard Charlie’s words, he wanted to slap his two big mouths on the spot, and couldn’t help but scold himself in his heart: “Wow! I’m really cheap! the name of the shop is…”

Bella Fang’s expression was even more embarrassing, with a hint of panic.

Charlie just mentioned roast goose, but he also mentioned Chen Ji roast goose, doesn’t this mean that the big mouth directly slaps Gerard Liu and his face?

Seeing their expressions frozen, Jemima Liu, who was sitting opposite Charlie with a cold face, suddenly couldn’t hold back and burst out laughing.

Gerard Liu immediately turned to look at Jemima Liu, and asked angrily, “What’s so funny?!”

Jemima Liu shrugged: “It wasn’t funny at first, but the reactions of you two are so cute, they just want to eat roast goose. , why are you all reacting so strongly?”

Gerard Liu said angrily: “Master Wade doesn’t know the reason, do you still not know?”

“I don’t know,” said Jemima Liu nonchalantly. : “I just come back every night at night. Go to bed, I don’t have much contact with you, how can I know what the relationship between you and Roast Goose is.”