Hero Of Heart 4600

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Charlie Wade Charismatic Chapter 4600

Gerard Liu suddenly fell silent.

She knew her daughter was pretending to be confused, but she couldn’t speak very clearly, so she turned to Charlie and said, “By the way, Mr Wade, I don’t know if other foods are to your taste?

Charlie nodded, put down his chopsticks, slapped his lips, and said earnestly and with a little remorse, “If there was a roast goose, it would be perfect.”

Liu Jemima couldn’t help himself when he heard this, and laughed.

Her cold and beautiful face, when she smiled, suddenly gave birth to two shallow pear vortexes for no reason.

Matching its classic beauty, it could truly be called a drowning fish and a swan, and a country and a city.

Gerard Liu was almost embarrassed, glared at Jemima Liu, and scolded:

“Stop laughing!”

“Okay.” Jemima Liu threw away her smile, but still looked at Charlie with a smile, and asked him, “Mr. Wade, did you really not mention the roast goose stalk?”

Charlie shook his head pretending to be blank, and said seriously, “Miss Liu, I don’t understand what you mean.”

Jemima Liu’s beautiful eyes narrowed slightly. , looked at Charlie. After a while, he said seriously:

“Why do I think you lied to me?”

“Did I do it?” Charlie asked seriously.

Jemima Liu nodded and said, “You did it.”

Charlie smiled and said, “No, I don’t.”

Jemima Liu said aggressively, “You are clearly lying!”

After speaking, Jemima Liu asked again, “Are you trying to hold it in? Do you want to smile?”

“No.” Charlie said firmly, and said seriously:

“Why should I hold back my laughter?”

Jemima Liu looked at Charlie and said meaningfully, “Because you obviously know what to bake. the goose. It is a stalk, and it is always mentioned by you, so you must restrain your heart. As the initiator, how could you not want to laugh? “

Charlie smiled slightly: “Miss Liu, to tell you the truth, I have received professional training. Yes, under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t laugh.”

After speaking, Charlie couldn’t help but laugh:

“Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t laugh, unless I couldn’t help it. that! Ha ha ha!”

Charlie suddenly laughed, causing Gerard Liu and Bella Fang to be shocked and angry at the same time.

Only then did they understand that the reason Charlie kept mentioning roast goose stalks wasn’t because he missed the taste as he said he was, but because he was teasing them on purpose all the time!

However, Jemima Liu was not surprised at all, but was amused by Charlie’s sudden sharp turn, and the two secretly laughed together.

Gerard Liu’s face also became more and more ugly with the laughter of the two.

After a while, he slammed the table, looked at Charlie and shouted angrily:

“Mr. Wade, since we met, I have treated you politely and treated you as a guest, but why are you doing this? Deliberately embarrassing me. ?! ”