Hero Of Heart 4601

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Charlie Wade Charismatic Chapter 4601

Charlie wasn’t nervous at all, and smiled lightly:

“Hurt you? Mr. Liu, what do you mean? Even though this is your home, you can’t even make me laugh. Right?”

Gerard Liu said with a red face:

“I invite you to return home to discuss cooperation with you, not to let you take the opportunity to make fun of me! This is too rough! “

Charlie said bluntly:

“Master Liu, what do you mean? by that? The reason why I laughed just now was because Miss Liu kept making me laugh. We are both young. When he laughs, I want to laugh too. Is there any problem? “

Gerard Liu said angrily:

“But you clearly know what roast goose means! Doesn’t what you say earlier mean that you admit that you did it on purpose?

Charlie’s face was full of empty words:

“Roast goose is roast goose, besides being edible, what else does it mean? The reason I’m saying this now is because I think Miss Liu is teasing me on purpose and wanted to see if I could hold back my laughter, so I also wanted to play games with her, which was thought to increase mutual understanding. “

After speaking, Charlie looked at Jemima Liu very seriously, and said, “It is an honor for me to be able to make a beautiful girl like Miss Liu smile.

If you say something that is beyond your own strength, the ancients didn’t always say beautiful women. Dear sir, when I see Miss Liu, I naturally want to show it a little, is this wrong?”

As soon as Charlie said this, Jemima Liu’s expression immediately became a little unnatural.

He didn’t expect Charlie to suddenly bring up the topic for himself, and apart from being teased, he seemed a little serious.

Gerard Liu was also a little confused at this time.

He really didn’t know if Charlie was trying to make fun of himself, or if he was really trying to please his daughter.

If it was the former, then it must have been unbearable with his own emotions, and he had to settle accounts with Charlie, otherwise how could he be worthy of his current status?

Moreover, his wife sat opposite him, if made fun of in front of his wife, where should he put his old face?

But if it was the latter, then everything went exactly as he expected.

Because, my original idea was to pull out Gao Leng’s daughter, let her take Charlie’s soul, and then attack while the iron is hot and finish the cooperation with Charlie.

Once the partnership was finalized, with her daughter’s character, she would never give Charlie a chance to take advantage.

In this way, he is the victor who has the last laugh.