Hero Of Heart 4606

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Charlie Wade Charismatic Chapter 4606

Jemima Liu said lightly:

“My father used to have a subordinate named Hogan Chen. Later, this Hogan Chen took my current stepmother to elope to the United States and opened a roast goose shop in Chinatown in the United States.”

Jemima continued, “They both ran away, and my father ran away. He is always very sensitive, so roasting geese is also taboo for him. ”

Charlie said lightly:

“Miss Jemima, with all due respect, your stepmother doesn’t look like someone who can endure hardships. “

“That’s true.” Jemima Liu said:

“She usually doesn’t even bother to wash her own underwear, and has several maids around her every day.”

After speaking, Jemima Liu couldn’t help but sigh:

“However, this kind of pampered personality and I was able to follow Hogan Chen to open a roast goose shop for several years in the United States, which was really something I didn’t expect.”

Charlie said casually:

“It seems that he and that Hogan Chen are true love.”

Jemima Liu shook her head and said:

“I don’t know about this.”

After speaking, he glanced at Charlie again and asked, “Mr. Wade, are you really that ignorant about these things?”

Charlie shrugged and said,

“I know Madam Liu eloped with someone before. You should have heard about this all over Hong Kong Island, and a lot of big businessmen would talk about it as after-dinner gossip, but I haven’t heard of what he did overseas after eloping with anyone else.”

Charlie saw that Jemima Liu was no ordinary woman, so I didn’t want Jemima Liu to realize her true motives.

After all, even Gerard Liu recently learned about the opening of the roast goose shop by Hogan Chen in the United States, and this incident has not been reported back to Hong Kong Island. If an outsider claimed to know, it would mean admitting that he and Hogan Chen had a relationship.

Jemima Liu was a little skeptical, she always felt that Charlie mentioning roast goose on the dinner table seemed intentional, but when Charlie said this, he also felt that there was no gap in logic.

After all, Charlie’s identity was Yisu Delivery’s high-level assistant, and he was from the mainland, so there was no way he would know about Chinatown in the United States.

So, he put his problem behind him and said to Charlie,

“Master Wade, if you don’t have a designated place to go, then we’ll go to Tsim Sha Tsui first, where my classmates and I are having a meeting. Charity sale, I’ll send them the stuff in the car.”

Charlie nodded and said, “No problem.”