Hero Of Heart 4613

Hero Of Heart 4613 novel the amazing son in law

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 4613

Jemima Liu almost fainted at this point.

She didn’t care about being held by Charlie anymore, she just wanted to get herself in trouble and get it over with quickly.

Attracting other men to do things like shielding, he had seen countless times on TV, but he had never done it himself.

Just as Charlie made a joke just now, he couldn’t help but think of a joke.

But she really didn’t expect that Charlie could turn things into an out of control situation one step at a time.

It also scared him for the first time because he was joking, and his voice became a little more choked, and he pleaded, “Charlie, I beg of you, you leave Hong Kong Island first, and come back later. But if you don’t go today, it will be very troublesome!”

Charlie saw his eyes redden, and he was almost in tears, so he stopped, let go of the hand that held him, and said seriously. , “Miss Liu, you don’t have to worry about me, I’ll tell you the truth, I’m here on Hong Kong Island this time to find trouble!”

After speaking, he ignored Jemima Liu’s surprised eyes and said indifferently:

“I am here on Hong Kong Island, and someone is provoking me, I want to play with him; no one provokes me, I will find a group of people to go out and play a game!” ,

“It has nothing to do with Hongmen, then I may not be too lazy to get to know him in general, but because he is related to Hongmen It is very deep, then even if he doesn’t provoke me today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, I might as well come to the door and explain Hongmen!”

“Are you crazy ?!” Jemima Liu was dumbfounded and said:

“If you don’t talk about good business, what are you doing to trouble Hongmen? “

Jemima Liu continues her story:

“Do you know what Hongmen is? On Hong Kong Island, no matter how rich the richest person is, he doesn’t dare to go against Hongmen, he will die!”

Charlie had read the information provided by Joseph before getting off the plane. There are many Hong Kong Island troops who want to kill Hogan Chen and take 30 million US dollars in secret this time, and the name Hongmen is very impressive. List.

Therefore, before Hogan Chen was sent back, he had to touch Hongmen himself, so he smiled and said to Jemima Liu, “It’s okay, I like to seek joy.”

After that, he purposely ended the topic, He dragged the cardboard box in his arms and asked her “Aren’t you going to send something? Let’s go?”

Jemima Liu was helpless, sighed, and said, “I will call my father to see if he comes up with a good solution. “