Hero Of Heart Chapter 4697

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4697

Charlie wandered around Shi Xun Dao, and felt more and more that this place had a unique geographical location.

On Hong Kong Island, where every inch of land is worth money, but in Shi Xundao he can’t see the slightest traffic jam, and the density of the mansions around Panshan Road is not very high.

Coupled with the warm and humid climate of the south, living here is not only serene but also comfortable.

He saw the Huo family house mentioned by Jemima.

The door of the house was closed, and it seemed that no one was living there.

Even though the facade of the house is a bit old, it still looks very stylish.

Charlie wandered around, and when he returned to Liu’s villa, Jemima had just come out.

Seeing Charlie, her pretty face turned red, and she asked:

“Master Wade, how is it?”

Charlie smiled and said: “Good, are you ready to go out?”

“Yes.” Jemima smiled and said:

“I’ll try to end the day and pick you up at my father’s company.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded and said: “But don’t worry, you can do your business first.”

Jemima said: “Okay Mr Wade, then I’ll go first.”

Charlie instructed: “Pay attention to road safety.”

Watching Jemima leave, Charlie walked to the villa leisurely.

As soon as Gerard saw it, he stepped forward with a smile on his face, and said with a smile:

“Master Wade, I heard from Jemima, are you interested in buying property in Shi Xun Dao?”

Charlie said casually:

“No, no, just looking around.”

Gerard said without hesitation:

“Master Wade, Shi Xundao is definitely a good place. If you’re interested in the houses here, I can buy one for you!”

Charlie waved his hand and said:

“As the saying goes, no merit goes unappreciated, how can I receive such an expensive gift from Master Liu.”

Gerard said very seriously:

“Mr Wade, you and I met at first sight, and the little girl gets on very well with you.

I will give you a house so you can come to Hong Kong Island for a small meeting in the future.

This is also human nature!”

At this time, Bella walked over quickly and said flatly:

“Yes Mr Wade, Gerard told me tonight that he really looks forward to becoming close friends with you.
He was a person who rarely admired other people. You are the first, if you can show up and be our neighbor, he will be very happy!”

Charlie had never thought that Bella’s attitude towards him would change so clearly.

Yesterday he seemed a little disdainful of himself, but today he suddenly changed his ways and started praising himself.