Hero Of Heart 4740

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4740

Don’t see him laughing with everyone all day, in fact, this old man is a standard stingy.

With Herman Zhong’s lessons, he can still offer a price of 2 billion in 20 years, which shows that he wants money or not his life.

But Charlie didn’t really want the money.

To him, he only had two demands now, one was to make Gerard pay for his broken promise to his father, and the other was to make him pay Uncle Chen.

The second thing can be solved with money, but the first thing is not a money problem.

He, Charlie, wasn’t going to use his father’s name to go to Gerard to make money haphazardly.

In Charlie’s view, the first thing was to make Gerard pay a price other than money, but including but not limited to personality, dignity, and corporal punishment.

It was just that he didn’t want to let Gerard breathe a sigh of relief so quickly, in that case, he had to give Gerard enough pressure first, scare him half to death, and finally give him a chance to breathe.

So Charlie looked at him and said coldly:

“Gerard, who do you think is more guilty, you or Herman Zhong?”

Charlie’s words frightened Gerard, and even his lips were pale, like a dead man who had just finished making up for the living.

What he was most afraid of was Charlie asking such a thing.

This also means that Charlie’s sentence for him must be based on Herman Zhong.

“If his fault is less than Herman Zhong, then it is easy to say, but if his fault is greater than Herman Zhong, then the amount of compensation must not be lower than Herman Zhong’s standard.”

“That’s 10 billion in ten years … and it’s still US dollars … Bella has been with him for years, and he didn’t give her 100 million dollars.

But when the Man surnamed Wade suddenly came out and asked him to spend so much money…. “

“But… but Charlie is so strong, how could he provoke him? Not to mention the Cataclysmic Front, even Jairo of the Four Dragons he can’t stand!”

Thinking of this, Gerard trembled in fear like a sieve of chaff.

At this moment, he didn’t know how to answer Charlie’s question.

Because he knew very well in his heart that he would dishonor Charlie’s dead father by taking his words back.

It makes sense that this sin is much greater than what Herman Zhong taught his son Henry! More than double the size!
However, how could he say this?

Having this said, it will be a lot of money!

Thinking of this, Gerard, who loved money very much, burst into tears, and he pleaded with snot and tears:

“Master Wade… Please look at the next one for the sake of repentance, and give to the next one, a chance to atone for my sins by practical action.

I want to go to your father’s grave and kneel for three days and three nights to express my repentance.

At the same time, I also pray that he knows better and can forgive the mistakes I made when I was young…”

After he finished speaking, he looked at Hogan and said seriously:

“I have delayed Hogan’s youth by 20 years. I want to compensate him for 20 years of income based on the highest earnings of a professional manager on Hong Kong Island!”

Charlie burst out laughing:

“Aiya, Mr. Liu, you are really good at making calculations.

The highest earning of a professional manager on Hong Kong Island cannot exceed HK$100 million to HK$200 million a year.

One billion Hong Kong dollars has ended, you just said that two billion dollars in 20 years, and now it’s less than a billion dollars, and you report less and less money, right?”

Gerard trembled with fear, and said quickly:

“No, no, that’s not what I mean, Mr. Wade, I am willing to go to your father’s grave and kneel for three days and three nights, and then spend two billion dollars for twenty years!”

Charlie looked at her, smiled playfully, and deliberately scared her:

“I will make a price, 20 billion US dollars in ten years, if you agree, we will talk, if you don’t agree, you don’t need to talk!”