Hero Of Heart 4750

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4750

Jemima looked at Charlie angrily with big eyes full of tears, she wanted to say something but she said nothing.

Gerard hastily reminded in a low voice:

“Jemma! Mr Wade is talking to you! What are you doing stupid? Not responding quickly!”

Jemima turned her face to the side stubbornly, and reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes. .

Charlie felt guilty, but he didn’t know how to explain it, so he said to Gerard:

“Master Liu, since Miss Jemima doesn’t want to talk to me, you don’t have to force her.”

Gerard laughed awkwardly and said:

“This little girl doesn’t understand Etiquette… making Mr Wade laugh…”

Charlie shook his head slightly, then turned to look at Stella, and said:

“Miss Fei, it was difficult for you and Master Yuan to fly this far. I’ll invite you to dinner.”

Stella smiled and said:

“Alright, I’m not in a rush at all, if Master Wade has to stay on Hong Kong Island for a day or two, I can wait for you on Hong Kong Island until Master Wade settles this matter, we can get back together.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded in agreement and agreed.

He planned to go to the United States after Uncle Chen’s family moved into a new house.

Since Stella wasn’t in a hurry, he was able to take the same flight as her at that time.

Stella asked Charlie again:

“Which hotel did you stay at, Master Wade?”

Charlie looked at Gerard and Jemima, then said:

“I haven’t found a hotel yet.”

Stella also probably saw the whole story, and said:

“Then I’ll choose a hotel and book a room for you.”

Charlie nodded:

“Go ahead, Otherwise burden Miss Fei.”

Jemima looked at Charlie and wanted to say something, but he said nothing.

Gerard on the side was a little disappointed, even though he had just been harassed by Charlie, he still wanted to continue inviting Charlie and Stella to stay at his house.

However, he also knew that this was the case, if he wanted to show his face, it would be very difficult for him to open his mouth, so he hesitated again and again, but said nothing.

Charlie didn’t delay any longer, leaving with Hogan and Joseph.

Stella was also about to leave, but before she left, she deliberately came to Jemima, took out a business card from her bag, took the initiative to hand it to Jemima, and said with a smile:

“Miss Liu, I am Stella Fei, here is my business card. If you need anything in the future, you can contact me at any time.”

Jemima was still drowning in anger and pain, when she suddenly saw the business card handed over by Stella, she was slightly stunned.

He came later, so he didn’t even talk to Stella. He didn’t know why the famous helmsman of the Fei family gave him a business card.

Seeing his daughter still in a daze, Gerard, who was at the side, quickly reminded in a low voice:

“Jemima, Miss Fei is talking to you!”

Jemima then recovered and said hastily:

“Thank you Miss Fei…”

Stella with a friendly smile, said seriously:

“Don’t be so polite.”

After that, he shoved a business card into Jemima’s hand and smiled nonchalantly:

“Miss Liu, I have to go first, we will contact you later.”

Jemima nodded slightly, and after being polite, he watched Stella leave.

Stella took Karl Yuan out of the airport, and Karl Yuan asked a little confused:

“Miss, you seem to have noticed that Miss Liu?”

Stella smiled slightly, shook her head and said:

“Master Wade pays more attention to it. I just like Wujiwu.”