Hero Of Heart 4793

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4793

“Snakes, worms, mice and ants?!” Samson Yu frowned, suddenly feeling a little nervous.

What he feared the most was that what Charlie said actually mattered.

“Could it be that my blood mosquito really folded in his hands?!”

“But… it shouldn’t… If my blood mosquito really dies in his hands, I can at least feel it. The belly of the blood mosquito is full of corrupt and highly poisonous blood water. If anyone is killed here, the smell of blood will only be heavier, but there is no blood smell here, as if the blood mosquito has no blood at all. I’ve never been here before…”

Thinking of this, Samson Yu comforted himself in his heart:

“Although there must be an error in a certain link, it shouldn’t have anything to do with this Wade family!”

So he snorted coldly and looked at him. He asked Charlie:

“What? You said I have a blood disaster, did you just tell me to be careful of snakes, worms, mice and ants?”

“Yes.” Charlie nodded and said with a smile:

“Don’t underestimate these things. Strong character, I am afraid it will kill you.”

Samson Yu said disdainfully:

“You really know how to take advantage of the gap, the weather on Hong Kong Island is hot and humid, there are a lot of mosquitoes, and you can’t prevent it. You said that I had a bloody disaster, could it be that I was caught by mosquitoes? Does it count as a bite? “

He then looked at Stella Fei, who was beside him, and asked:

“Miss Fei, to be fair, there are so many mosquitoes on Hong Kong Island, and if mosquitoes suck blood, it can be considered a bloody disaster. If so, how many people on Hong Kong Island can escape?”

Stella Fei says:

“I believe that what Mr Wade said was definitely not what he meant.”

Charlie on the side said seriously:

“Miss Fei, I really am this one. That is, I just counted for her, she is bleeding. disaster is caused by mosquitoes.”

Samson Yu sneered:

“There are mosquitoes everywhere on Hong Kong Island, what kind of bloody disaster is this?”

As he said, he remembered something, and purposely asked Stella Fei:

“Miss Fei, you must have seen a lot of mosquitoes in this villa, right?”

“Mosquito?” Stella Fei frowned and asked suspiciously:

“I don’t see any mosquitoes here.”

Samson Yu was even more confused, and he couldn’t help but think:

Stella Fei had been with Charlie the whole time. If he doesn’t see the mosquito, then my blood mosquito shouldn’t be in the hands of this Wade surname….. .

But where will they go? Why can’t I find a trace?

Just when he was confused, Charlie smiled slightly and said seriously:

“Master Yu, for the sake of father and I’s relationship, if you can kneel and kowtow three times, then I can show great mercy and help you break through this calamity!”

“Damn…” Samson Yu cursed inwardly:

“Isn’t that what I just told him? How dare this fellow use my words to humiliate me? !”

Samson Yu, who was furious, sneered:

“You, it looks like you really are a fool. In that case, I will wait while you kneel down and beg for mercy!”

After that, he turned around angrily, lifted his feet and was about to head out.

At this moment, Charlie thought, and the next moment, from the ceramic bottle placed not far away, more than 20 giant animals flew out swiftly. Giant wasp-like mosquitoes that were each as thick as an adult’s little finger were terrifying.

One of the characteristics of these blood mosquitoes was that they were almost motionless when flying, so Stella Fei and Samson Yu didn’t know they were flying at this point.

Look at this situation.

The blood mosquito itself was surrounded by Charlie’s aura, and did not emit a bloody smell, which made Samson Yu unable to notice.

That’s when Charlie shouted to Samson Yu:

“Master Yu, beware of the big mosquito!”

Samson Yu turned his head subconsciously, and more than 20 large blood mosquitoes had flown in front of him from a height.

Samson Yu’s first reaction was shock, and he thought to himself:

“Fuck, this isn’t Lao. Tzu blood mosquito?”

And the reaction of the two turned to fear, and he exclaimed:

“Damn it! How did this blood mosquito get so big?!”

Before the reactions of the three were made, his face, neck, There was a sharp pain in both arms and legs. .

The mouth of this blood mosquito had changed from being as thick as a hair to being like a syringe, thick, long, and extremely hard.

This kind of crazy sting is even worse than a wasp sting.

In addition, the bodies of these blood mosquitoes became bigger, and the poison in their bodies also increased exponentially, which immediately caused Samson Yu to be in great pain, and fell to the ground crying.

Stella Fei’s face was pale with fright. He had grown so big, and he had never seen a mosquito that big. Besides, girls were very sensitive to such things, so he subconsciously hid in Charlie’s arms and used his hands subconsciously.

He covered his face, for fear that a big scary mosquito would come and bite him.

Charlie felt Stella Fei’s soft body and refreshing scent on her body, and said somewhat unnaturally:

“Miss Fei, don’t be afraid, these mosquitoes will not come to bite you, they only recognize the master.”

Stella Fei asked nervously:

“Master Wade, are you sure? This mosquito can still recognize people?!”

“Of course.” Charlie pointed to Samson Yu, who was dying on the ground, and said with a smileL

“If you don’t believe me, take a look.”

Stella Fei looked closely, and there were more than 20 big scary mosquitoes nailed to Samson Yu’s body, but each mosquito was not as thick as the previous one, but was much shrunk to the naked eye.

This is mainly because these blood mosquitoes themselves do not suck blood, they only inject the highly toxic rotten blood that they have absorbed into the body of the person being attacked.

And now this blood mosquito has injected all the rotten blood into Samson Yu’s body.

Samson Yu only felt unbearable pain all over his body, and he also felt very weak and spinning, so he subconsciously went to take the antidote in his pocket, but because he was bitten by blood mosquitoes in many places on his hand, the pain disappeared. . basically painful. Without strength, even if that hand grabbed the bottle of antidote, it wouldn’t be able to get it out at all.

At this moment, Samson Yu was extremely frightened. He knew that the blood mosquito was very poisonous. In the past, they rarely killed people because the doses were small, but now the poisoning doses were huge. It will flow throughout the body. body, and eventually the poison will die.

So, she could only stare at Charlie helplessly, and plead weakly in her mouth:

“Wade…Master Wade…Please help…Please help…….”

Charlie smiled and said:

“I said before that you had a bloody disaster, but you didn’t believe it, do you believe it now?”

“Believe…I believe…” Samson Yu said His face was pale, and even his lips had lost a little blood. He felt that the signs of his poisoning were getting worse, and he seemed to be on the verge of death, so he cried frantically and said:

“Mr. Wade…Mr. Wade… …I…I don’t want to die, Mr. Wade…I beg you…Have mercy…Help me find the antidote and feed him I will take it…I please help…”

Charlie asked in surprise:

“Strange, why do you have a special antidote? Could you possibly raise this mosquito?!”

Until now, Samson Yu didn’t dare to hide it, so he could only honestly say:

“Yeah… I kept them… but… but I don’t know either… don’t know why… they suddenly became… so big… ..Mr. Wade…I’m dying. …..I prostrate to you…Please save me, Mister Wade…”