Hero Of Heart 4803

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4803

Stella Fei’s smiling comment left all the reporters on the scene dumbfounded.

Although everyone suspected that Stella might know Gerard, nobody thought that Stella could give Gerard Liu such a face.

In her capacity as chairman of a trillion dollar company, being a VIP here has allowed Gerard to thrive, but who would have thought that Stella Fei was actually invited by Gerard to be the guest host for this housewarming ceremony.

Everyone’s eyes, this really is too much face for gerard. You see, Gerard Liu’s assets are only 1% of the Fei family. Seeing the horror of these reporters, Gerard only felt an unprecedented relief in his heart.

There’s no one who doesn’t like faces, and at this moment, Gerard just felt that his old face never seemed so bright in his life.

When Stella Fei came forward, the reporters who originally wanted to see Gerard’s jokes also put aside their usual gossipy attitude and began to take this housewarming ceremony very seriously.

And Stella Fei also uses her impeccable eloquence and personal charm to express 100% of what Charlie wants her to say.

When he said that he admired Gerard and Hogan Chen’s actions to let go of their previous suspicions, the media reporters at the scene suddenly felt the same way.

At this time, when they saw Gerard and Hogan Chen again, they no longer had the mentality of watching a good show before, but truly believed that the two people could still laugh at each other after 20 years, which was just a story. this century.

With Stella Fei’s charm, this housewarming ceremony is filled with the spirit of humanity.

The reporters on the front line sent the situation back to base. Countless Hong Kong media also immediately wrote a large number of very positive news reports.

For a time, all of Hong Kong was moved by the reconciliation between two people after 20 years. In this way, it could be considered giving Gerard the best possible move, which greatly saved his face.

As for Hogan Chen, he can finally live upright in Hong Kong, and no one will try to kill him and ask Gerard for a secret flower. And the Hogan Chen family has not only ushered in a family reunion, but their lives have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the past, because they were Hogan’s relatives, they suffered all kinds of ostracism in Hong Kong. However, starting today, this situation will turn around 180 degrees.

Charlie finally felt relieved when she saw this scene.

Help Uncle Hogan return, help him and his family build a strong foundation in Hong Kong, and at the same time earn Uncle Hogan’s promise.

In the future, there will be one more general in his business empire. Moreover, it was still recognized by his father back then, and even a general he appointed.

After the housewarming ceremony, Gerard arranged for his assistant Amin to give all the media reporters a large red envelope in Hogan Chen’s name, which was nominally the cost of the car and horse.

After the media reporters left satisfied, Gerard arranged a lavish banquet at the villa.

At this banquet, apart from the Hogan Chen family, there were also Gerard and Bella Fang, and their daughter Jemima.