Hero Of Heart 4804

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4804

There are also two VIP seats at the scene, reserved for Charlie and Stella.

After Charlie sat down, Gerard stood up with a glass of wine, and said to Charlie with great gratitude:

“Mr wade, it’s all thanks to you today, I can’t describe my gratitude to you in words. To thank you, and I will do so first as a tribute!”

After all, without waiting for Charlie to speak, he drank all the wine in the cup in one gulp.

Charlie smiled slightly and asked him:

“Is Mr Liu satisfied with today’s business?”

“Satisfied, satisfied!” Gerard nodded like a garlic, and said excitedly:

“Mr wade’s setting today is 100 satisfaction, 1000 satisfaction, 10,000 satisfaction! Oh no! This is not satisfaction, it is gratitude! Thank you Sir!”

Charlie nodded and said nonchalantly:

“It is best if you are satisfied. This matter, even if everything is solved today!”

Gerard said quickly:

“Yes, yes, everything is fine, no more variables!”

Hogan Chen also stood up with his wine glass at this time, and said respectfully:

“Young Master wade, I can return to Hong Kong and reunite with my family. Thanks to your help, I will also toast you!”

After all, he, like Gerard, drank it all.

Charlie first folded his fists at Gerard, and said:

“Mr Liu, there’s something I need your help with.”

Gerard was flattered and said:

“Master wade, if you have an order, just speak up, up the mountain of swords, down into the lake of fire, I’ll never blink!”

Charlie smiled a little:

“It’s not too much trouble, I just wanted to ask you to look after Uncle Hogan’s family in the future. After all, the two of you live so close now, which is relatively more comfortable.”

Gerard said without hesitation:

“Don’t worry, Mr. wade! In the future, the Hogan Chen family is my family, and I will definitely take good care of it!”

As he said that, he looked at Hogan Chen and said seriously:

“Hogan Chen, if you go to the mainland for future development, feel free to leave it to me from your family!”

Then he pointed to the villa and said:

“I already told them that I will cover all the costs of this villa in the future, and I will also cover the labor of the driver, Filipino maid and housemaid. Another million dollars. one month to live!”< /p>

Charlie said seriously:

“Of course you can’t make money and work for this kind of thing, so I still have to pay the money.”

Hogan hastily said:

“Mr wade, my family has been used to being frugal all their lives, and they can’t spend so much money at all…”

Charlie smiled and said:

“It’s nothing, it’s all part of your future salary, let your family keep it for you.”

Hogan said nervously:

“Mr wade, I’ve been running a roast goose shop in Chinatown for years, and I haven’t done any serious work. If you need this old, dying bone of mine, how come? I get such a high salary from You, as long as you prepare a place for me in Auroshil, and give me a small salary, it will be enough for me to stay in Auroshil”

Charlie said seriously:

“Uncle Hogan, you are someone even my father greatly admires, and Uncle Gu has always praised you highly. I believe that the two of them can never go wrong.”

After speaking, Charlie added:

“What’s more, human society has developed over the years, and only science and technology are constantly evolving, but the basic logic of human nature and the operation of the whole society has not undergone any change, I believe you will be able to create tremendous value. “

Gerard on the side also echoed:

“Hogan Chen, you are the smartest person I have ever met in my life, I have always thought so for many years, I believe that you will be by Mr wade’s side in the future, and you will definitely become his right hand man. , in order to expand Mr. wade’s business area, and I believe that Mr. wade should think the same as me, otherwise he won’t be able to think too much of you.”

Speaking of this, gerard couldn’t help but sigh:

“Actually, I thought a lot in bed last night, and I want to understand one thing, that is, by the power of Mr. wade, if you only help you solve my problem, it really is It’s too simple, as long as he say a word, the soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front can make me die for no reason, and then you can naturally return to Hong Kong safely, and he is not wanted at all;”

Gerard continued his sentence with a serious face:

“But the reason why Mr. wade wants to come to Hong Kong in person is to help you untie this knot completely. He not only wants you to not worry in the future, but he also wants you to return to Hogan who dominated Hong Kong at the time. it!”