Hero Of Heart Chapter 4832

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4832

Elaine Ma returned to the Presidential Suite of the Hilton Hotel, and the first sentence when she entered the door was to ask Claire and Charlie: “Claire, dear daughter-in-law, do you two have something to do tomorrow night? “

Claire asked curiously, “What’s wrong, Mom?”

Elaine Ma explains: “Mom has a very speculative sister at Rampage. He said he wanted to invite our family of three to be guests at his house. This sister has been coming to the United States from China for years, and she has never made some close friends, okay? It’s easy to meet confidants like me who can talk to each other in all aspects, but I had to leave soon, and I went to his house to eat before I left, which was considered an exercise for me.”

Claire suddenly asked in surprise: “Mom… can you still find a good friend you can talk to?”

Elaine Ma pouted: “Oh, look what you said, don’t you have any friends? Previously, your Aunt Zhao, Aunt Sun, and Aunt Liu, didn’t they all have a good relationship with me?”

Claire asked shyly: “Do they have a good relationship with you? How can I remember that you guys used to play mahjong and go to the beauty salon together, and then they broke up for no apparent reason.”

Elaine Ma was a little embarrassed for a moment, and hurriedly waved her hand: “It’s an old calendar, don’t mention it!”

In fact, the reason why Elaine Ma’s friends persuaded them was because after she stole Charlie’s bank card and transferred the money, she felt that she was suddenly rich, and she immediately looked down on the older sister. .

Back then, Elaine Ma was still busting it on the phone. As a result, he didn’t think about it. After the incident, he went to the detention center and experienced life inside the high walls for several days.

Elaine Ma, for a long time, can be said to be the master of the Chinese mouse.

The first is extreme arrogance, whoever has money is his father, regardless of whether the money can be spent on himself or not, he will kneel down and curry favor with him first.

He had followed Mrs. Wilson and Horiyah’s ass over the years in various ways, and in the first three years of Charlie and Claire’s marriage, he had always wanted Claire to divorce Charlie and marry another rich man. best character portrait.

In addition, Elaine Ma’s mind is also very narrow, she only summed it up in six words: “Hate people, without laughing at people.”

Because of that, Elaine Ma really didn’t have any close friends.

Although Claire was not very smart, she naturally knew her mother very well, and she always felt that someone like her had nothing to do with dada friends and friends.

At this time, Elaine Ma also knew why her daughter was questioning her, so she said unnaturally: “Claire, you can’t see your mother and I like you used to, you have to look at your mother from a developmental perspective. So easy to get along with, whether it’s with those friends or with Charlie, not so much fun to hang out with, but don’t you think mom is in the process of getting better now?”

After speaking, Elaine Ma continued with a bit of excitement: “You say to yourself, how do I feel about Charlie now?

Seeing her mother a little excited, Claire nodded quickly and said, “Mom, you’re right, my vision that can’t keep up…”

After that, he quickly changed the subject and asked, “By the way, Mom, what is that little sister of yours doing?”

Elaine Ma hastily said: “People have just immigrated with their sons and daughters-in-law to help them take care of their children here.”

Then, Elaine Ma explained: “By the way, this brother and mother are still fellow villagers! His hometown is not far from your grandmother’s house,

Claire nodded and said, “Mom, I don’t know Charlie and this aunt, not suitable to be guests in someone’s house, and you know Charlie’s character, he is not very social, he wants Why don’t you go alone.”

“How about that…” Elaine Ma said solemnly: “Mother already told them that this is a gathering of two families, the older generation knows each other, and the younger generation also knows each other. Let’s be friends, today, many friends have many paths.”