Hero Of Heart Chapter 4837

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4837

At this time, Man Jinshan and Man Yingjie and their father and son had already started to exchange cups.

Both seemed to like drinking. The father picked it up and told his son to take one. The two put down the glass after drinking, and the son took the glass again and wanted to go with his father.

Man Yingjie’s wife didn’t care, she played with her cellphone while eating food for herself, and rarely spoke during that period.

However, what made Charlie uncomfortable was that even though Man Yingjie had been drinking, his eyes were always secretly looking for an opportunity to glance at his wife Claire.

Moreover, the look in his eyes was sullen, and he had bad intentions at first glance.

Charlie couldn’t help but return a warning look, and Man Yingjie finally calmed down a bit.

The strange thing was that Man Yingjie’s wife occasionally raised her head to pick up vegetables, and she could see her husband peeking at Claire from time to time.

However, Charlie did not see any hindrance from him.

Usually on such occasions, even if his wife couldn’t be mad at her husband in public, she would at least give him a wink to warn him, or give him a little gesture under the table to calm him down.

But this Sun Huina doesn’t seem to care who Man Yingjie looks at, as if all of this has nothing to do with her.

As a result, the atmosphere at the dining table became a little strange. Elaine Ma and Chen Liping chatted enthusiastically, Man Jinshan and Man Yingjie and their sons were drinking, while Sun Huina was only focused on playing with her cell phone, leaving Charlie and Claire to look at each other.

After finally finishing eating, Elaine Ma and Chen Liping chatted for a while, then reluctantly prepared to leave.

Before leaving, Elaine Ma didn’t forget to remind Chen Liping: “Sister Chen, remember to push your friend’s WeChat to me when you come back.”

Chen Liping smiled and said, “Okay, I’ll give it to you.”

Then, he instructed Charlie: “Drive slowly on Xiaoye Road and pay attention to safety.”

Charlie nodded and thanked him, then started the car and left Chen Liping’s house.

On the way, Charlie said to Elaine Ma, “Mom, why do I feel that Aunt Chen’s family is strange.”

“Is there any?” Elaine Ma said, “I don’t think it’s weird.”

Claire on the side couldn’t help but say, “Mom, I really think it’s weird, but I can’t tell you what’s weird. You have to stay with them less in the future.”

Elaine Ma said: “Hey, I’m going back to China now, maybe I won’t have the chance to see him again in the future, even if I want to communicate more, I won’t have the chance.”

Claire remembered something, and then warned: “After you return to China, even if he wants to take you to invest in stocks, you must not agree. The US stock market is very deep, and it is possible to lose 90% of the losses in one day, so don’t mess around. buy.”

“Okay okay, Mom understands!”

As Elaine Ma said, she already had an idea in her mind. After he planned to return, he immediately sold the necklace, then exchanged the money for US dollars and opened a US stock account to learn how to trade stocks with Chen Liping.

This time, the experience of spending all his money and being forced to come to the United States made him understand one thing. People cannot have money at any time. Otherwise, even if you live in Tomson and drive a Rolls Royce, you shouldn’t be able to eat, still can’t eat.

Therefore, he now desperately hopes to raise some capital for himself, so that he can be more confident in the future.

However, he definitely wouldn’t say that in front of his daughter, so he said casually: “I’m just asking out of curiosity, don’t worry, I won’t go into stock, that kind of thing is just chopping scallions. “

Claire nodded and said with relief: “You know, don’t dream of getting rich overnight!”