Hero Of Heart Chapter 4850

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4850

The next day, it was the day Elaine Ma returned to China.

Charlie specially brought Elaine Ma to buy specialties and gifts for $20,000 to $30,000 in New York. Even though he didn’t say anything, he only thought it was for Elaine Ma to help with Claire’s hard work in the United States this time.

At five o’clock in the afternoon, Charlie and Claire sent Elaine Ma to JFK Airport in New York.

Since she bought a first class cabin, Elaine Ma didn’t rush through the registration procedure, but said to Charlie and Claire: “Claire, good daughter-in-law, you two don’t have to work so hard to send me in. and watch me pass the security check. Now, the friend that Sister Chen introduced happened to be on the same flight as me. He just told me on WeChat that there is a first-class waiting room after entering the airport. He asked me to wait there for a while until he arrived. Come on in and check in together.”

Claire didn’t think much of it. After all, he felt that his mother had to fly for more than ten hours to have friends on the road, even if it was just a chat, it would be much easier.

However, Claire remembered that Sister Chen and her family members were a little strange at this time, and quickly asked: “Mom, it’s okay to fly with other people, but you have to be careful, don’t be too trusting. Others, especially not’ I don’t believe that other people will bring you money and shares, and don’t lend money to others casually, understand?”

Elaine Ma said with a smile: “Oh, just my three melons and two dates, who can think of it, their family is very rich.”

As he said that, he was afraid of Claire’s chatter, so he hastily said: “But don’t worry, your mother, I’m not a vegetarian. I have traveled the world for many years, when have I ever had a loss?”

Claire’s expression was a little embarrassed, and she thought to herself, “Why have you suffered so little over the years…”

However, seeing that they were about to separate, Claire didn’t want to say anything more, so she said: “Mom, pay more attention to the road, and you should pay attention to rest, don’t chat with other people for a long time. For a long time, you will experience jet lag after you return to China. Well, if you don’t get a good rest along the way, it will be very painful to go home.”

“Oh, don’t worry!” Elaine Ma said with a smile: “Mother can definitely take care of herself, don’t worry, and my good daughter-in-law, you don’t have to worry too much about me. , you can live with me in the United States comfortably. Claire, mommy is waiting for you to come home!”

Charlie nodded lightly and said with a smile, “Okay mom, remember to tell us when you get on the plane.”

“Okay!” Elaine Ma immediately agreed.

The car quickly drove to the airport departure floor gate. Since Elaine Ma didn’t let Charlie and Claire deliver, Charlie parked the car directly on the side of the road, and after helping Elaine Ma unload the luggage, he watched with Claire. He pushed his suitcase to the airport entrance.

As Elaine Ma was about to enter the door, she waved at Charlie and Claire, and shouted loudly, “Claire, Charlie, come back quickly!”

When Claire saw that her mother wanted to return to China alone, she suddenly felt sad and reluctant to part with her. Tears flowed uncontrollably. He waved his hand and choked: “Mom, you have to tell us before you get on the plane!”

“Okay, don’t worry!”

Elaine Ma said, waved at them both, and walked to the airport smartly.