Hero Of Heart 4856

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4856

The checked baggage security check process at the airport is not the same as the Aurous Hill baggage security check process.

Luggage is carried by guests through security checks, while luggage is sent to a special place for security checks via conveyor belt after check-in and check-in procedures are completed.

At this moment, Elaine Ma didn’t know what would happen next.

After he checked the two suitcases, he took his boarding pass and walked to the security checkpoint.

And the woman who was watching him nearby, after seeing him checked in and having his luggage delivered by the conveyor belt, was relieved and immediately stood up and walked out of the airport.

Elaine Ma carried her Hermes, casually came to the VIP security check line, and immediately enjoyed the warm service from the staff after showing the first class boarding pass.

While the others were still queuing for the security check, Elaine Ma quickly finished the security check, and then found a nearby first-class room to rest.

At the same time, the two suitcases he checked in were waiting in line to go through the security screening machines at the airport one by one.

During this process, if no abnormalities are found, the passenger will be immediately released onto the flight. Once an abnormality is found in the baggage, the customs border inspection officer will immediately open the baggage for inspection.

In general, carefully hidden contraband is basically well hidden. In addition, the risk of leaving the country is much smaller than entering the country, so this link will be relatively relaxed, and criminals have at least a 50% chance of winning, you can successfully passed the exit security check.

However, the entry security check after landing will be much stricter, because many countries and regions have strict entry standards, and some countries do not even allow fresh fruit to be brought in, even if the fruit brought by passengers on the plane will be brought in.

Not eaten or left when they landed. If an apple is found by border checks, a heavy fine will be imposed.

Having said that, the biggest test is actually in the inbound link.

At this link, the chances of winning will drop to only about 30%.

Combined with 50% in the first stage, the overall pass rate is actually around 15%.

It is precisely because the success rate is so low that the price of this new type of contraband in East Asia is very high. The price per gram reaches more than 2,000 US dollars. This is an exclusive product for the super rich.

As long as Elaine Ma managed to land on Hong Kong Island this time and passed the border checks, the contraband she was carrying would be worth more than ten million US dollars.

At this time, Elaine Ma was sitting in a luxurious first-class room, drinking coffee while taking pictures and posting a circle of friends.

The accompanying text was: “I am going to leave for my home country, but I still feel a little reluctant. My friend’s private jet is being serviced by Gulfstream.

After editing his circle of friends, he didn’t forget to specifically cover Charlie, Claire and Jacob.

After posting on Moment, he casually sent a video call to Claire.

By this time, Charlie and Claire had left New York and were starting to return to Providence.

Claire, who was sitting next door, linked to the video sent by her mother and asked, “Mom, did you get on the plane?”

“Not yet.” Elaine Ma said with a smile, “I have to wait a while to get on the plane. I’m in the first-class waiting room!”

Claire reminded: “Then you have to pay attention to the time. Do not affect boarding. Boarding will start half an hour before departure time. Go early to save yourself from being rushed down the road later.”

Elaine Ma said disgustedly:

“Stop it, what are you afraid of, I am an honorable first class passenger, if I don’t get on the plane, he won’t dare to take off if I give him the courage, besides, they will definitely call my name on the radio at that time. , reminded me to get on the plane, it wasn’t too late to leave then.”

Claire said helplessly: “Mom, it could have been settled in an orderly manner ten or twenty minutes earlier, so why bother other people?”

Elaine Ma hummed and said, “Stupid girl, did you know that we spend this much money on plane tickets? Otherwise, why are our airline tickets several times more expensive than others? It’s fine to get him into trouble.”