Hero Of Heart 4878

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4878

Douglas Fei smiled helplessly, and said:

“Generally, this kind of organization, the internal risk isolation is very well done, it is equivalent to making several fire doors. If the fire is blocked, they will redevelop peripheral downlines.”

“If they can’t stop it, they will close the second fire door until it can be blocked. Therefore, during this time, they have only lost a few peripheral members. Not only have the core members been threatened in any way, but they have accumulated a large amount of wealth and resources, and their strength has become even stronger.”

Charlie nodded and said coldly: “That is to say, the core members of this organization have many scapegoats. Every time an accident occurs, it is only necessary to drag a group of people out to face the thunder.”

“Yes.” Douglas Fei said:

“This is a legal weakness in certain circumstances. On a legal level, a case can essentially be closed as long as the process itself is resolved and ultimately logically consistent.”

“Now, just like your mother-in-law, if you hand it over to the police for investigation, maybe after some of the anchored people are arrested, this couple will bear all the blame on their own.”

“In addition, they have ordered a series of arguments and a complete chain of evidence to perfectly prove to the police and judges that the truth is as they say, you can believe it, or you can believe it;

“In this case, even if you know that they have a black hand behind the scenes, as long as they bite hard and don’t let go, it will be difficult for you to continue the investigation.”

“After prison, and this matter is over. end, when the limelight is gone, their behind-the-scenes mastermind will constantly replace a number of new contacts to keep their business going. a new person.”

Charlie frowned and asked, “Is the efficiency of the American police so inefficient? Can’t even fight criminal gangs?”

Douglas Fei said with a wry smile: “If you really want to fight, you can definitely fight cleanly, but the reason why you can’t fight cleanly is because Americans like to play coexistence, and they don’t want to fight cleanly. all.”

After a pause, Douglas Fei said again:

“In this country, weapons are an open and honest business, and some things that have been designated as contraband in other countries can be traded freely here, and even prisons are privately run.”

“Buying and selling, not to mention the fact that American police are backed by taxpayers, and the reason why taxpayers can accept America’s high police fees is because the crime rate is too high, there are many ethnic minorities and it’s very messy;

“A large gap between the rich and the poor will bring about many destabilizing factors, coupled with the proliferation of guns in the United States, and the sheer number of immigrants and illegal immigrants, greatly reducing the cost of crime for criminals, and to a lesser extent. the same time greatly increase their crime success rate. ;”

“The bigger the neighborhood, the easier it is for the ethnic minority to choose to make a living by committing crimes, and the more ethnic minorities who choose to commit crimes will naturally form gangs.”

“This is the birth of gangs in American society. The root causes of gang problems will never be solved if these factors are not tackled to the root.”

“Moreover, the more chaotic the environment, the more the middle class needs the police to protect their personal safety and property, so that they can accept high tax rates and accept that American police are wasting taxpayers’ money;

“But once the crime rate in the United States drops, the first thought of this savvy middle class is: since security is so good, why do I need so many police officers?”

“This police officer was fed and clothed with my money. If you save the money they spend, you can build better roads to and from work, make health insurance reform more humane, and why not save on these taxes, which can covertly increase family income… … “

After saying this, Douglas Fei smiled and said: “So in this country, weapons and gangs are indispensable, and they will never be eliminated.”

When Charlie heard this, he nodded solemnly.

He didn’t know much about the United States, but Douglas Fei’s analysis made him understand the underlying logic.

So he said, “Since the American police didn’t do anything, then I’ll call one to show him. I don’t care how many gangs there are in the United States, but this gang that specializes in harming compatriots, I have to uproot it!”