Hero Of Heart 4899

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4899

In this semi-open space, there are small single beds on the left and right.

At this time, the prisoners inside were resting, some were lying on the bed, and some were sitting at the head of the bed and talking to other people.

Hearing a loud roar from the prison guards, the group slowly got up and lined up on the inside of the central corridor.

The prison guard was in no hurry to open the door at this time, but counted the number of people outside and made sure that everyone had lined up. Then he said on the walkie-talkie: “Open door 12.”

As soon as the voice fell, the heavy iron gate opened automatically.

The two prison guards entered first with sticks, while the other two guards held Elaine Ma and followed behind.

Upon entering, Elaine Ma was immediately brought before a group of female prisoners by the prison guards.

And this group of female prisoners of different skin color, ranging in age from 18, 9 to 50 or 60 years old, looked at Elaine Ma with contempt or provocation.

In their eyes, this yellow race woman in her fifties, at a glance, looked like an unlucky person who was easily bullied.

The prison guard pointed to Elaine Ma at this moment and said to the crowd: “She is No. 1024, and he will stay in this prison from now on.”

Elaine Ma bit the bullet, waved to everyone, and said with a forced smile, “Ha…Hello…”

None of the female prisoners present paid attention to him, on the contrary, many people looked at him with great interest, and it seemed that there was some ulterior motive in their eyes, which made Elaine Ma a bit nervous.

One of the prison guards pointed to an empty bed and said to Elaine Ma: “1024, you will sleep in this bed in the future!”

Mal nodded quickly.

Some of the prison guards didn’t say much, after calming Elaine Ma down, they turned around and left the cell at once.

As soon as the prison guard left, a red-haired white woman in her thirties came to Elaine Ma with a tattoo on her arm, and asked disdainfully, “Hey, new here, tell me why you are here? “

“Ah?” Elaine Ma was stunned for a moment, and said hesitantly: “I…I because…because…”

Seeing Elaine Ma muttering and not talking about the main point, the woman immediately rebuked: “I tell you, I am the biggest in this cell, what I ask, what do you answer; what I say, what you do, on the contrary, be careful because I will punch your shit!”

Elaine Ma shivered in fear, and quickly said, “I… I brought contraband…”

The woman frowned and asked, “Bringing contraband? How many?”

Elaine Ma said quickly, “I brought five kilograms…”

“Damn!” The woman said in surprise: “Five kilograms?! Are you sure you’re not playing with me?”

Elaine Ma hastily said, “I don’t dare… I’m telling the truth…”

The woman looked Elaine Ma up and down for a moment and asked, “Are you a drug dealer?”

Elaine Ma quickly shook her head: “I… I don’t…”

The woman asked again: “Then you work for a drug dealer? Or a gang member?”

Afraid that the other party would misunderstand, Elaine Ma hurriedly shook her head again: “No, no… I am innocent… I was tricked into taking luggage on the plane, and was caught in a daze… …”

When the woman heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Elaine Ma with a disdainful smile, and slapped her across the face, causing Elaine Ma to see a golden star in her eyes.

Elaine Ma screamed, and was about to ask why she was beating her when she heard the woman say, “I thought you were a great person, but you are a stupid pig who was tricked into a donkey!”