Hero Of Heart Chapter 4922

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4922

Hearing Charlie’s orders, Joseph Wan said without hesitation: “Master Wade, rest assured, the subordinates will soon send elite soldiers from the Cataclysmic Front to Mexico. At that time, as long as Lord Wade gave the order, Buddha would kill Buddha. and God will kill God!”

“Okay!” Charlie said loudly in a tone full of majesty: “Tell the soldiers below, once this is over, I will give them credit! At that time, there will be a celebratory party in Mexico, and I Charlie will decide. Let their strength all go further!”

Charlie has the intention of continuing to increase the overall strength of the Cataclysmic Front. Now that he had raised a lot of funds for the Cataclysmic Front, the next thing to do was to increase the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front.

Right now, the best solution was to help them increase their cultivation.

For most warriors, there is no need to use the entire Blood Saving Pill, even a third or a quarter of the Blood Saving Pill can increase their strength, or add some Peiyuan Dan, strong spiritual energy will help them open up more. meridian.

Therefore, Charlie intended to use medicinal herbs to make some wines that could increase the cultivation of warriors after this operation, at that time, he couldn’t help but celebrate their achievements and make them even stronger.

When Joseph Wan heard this, he also guessed Charlie’s intentions, he was very excited and said, “Don’t worry, Mister Wade, your subordinates will do their best!”

Charlie snorted and asked again, “By the way, how was my mother-in-law in prison?”

Joseph Wan immediately said: “Your mother-in-law has done as you have ordered, and with our female soldiers there, it would be impossible for anyone at Bedford Hill Correctional Institution to dare offend your mother-in-law.”

Charlie sighed and said lightly: “Now I’m not worried about him being bullied by other people, I’m worried now he’s going to bully others carelessly. By having supporters in him, he is a blessing to others.”

With that said, Charlie instructed: “You have someone to help me pay attention to, don’t let him go too far.”

“Okay!” Joseph Wan said respectfully, “Master Wade, rest assured, I will arrange everything in the prison properly.”

“That’s good.” Charlie said with a smile, “Then let’s meet in Mexico the day after tomorrow.”

Joseph Wan said anxiously: “Mr. Wade, there is something I am worried about…”

Charlie said: “Say it.”

Joseph Wan said respectfully:

“Master Wade, this time you plan to go to Mexico and pretend to be Zhou Bihua’s son, but your subordinates think that this might be difficult to do, if their liaison in Mexico had already done so. seeing that your identity is at first glance fake, in that case, the follow-up plan will not be able to proceed…”

Charlie smiled and said: “I’m not sure about this right now, so let’s make a bet. You can bet that their partner only knows the name of Zhou Bihua’s son, but does not know his appearance, or they can bet. that their partners were more face-blind than Asians. , I can’t see any clues, let me off the hook…”

After saying that, Charlie threw away his smile and said seriously: “It doesn’t matter if they actually catch a glimpse of me, I have other ways to ensure that my plan can go smoothly.”

It wasn’t the first time Charlie had gone deep behind enemy lines.

When he went to Hamid’s base in Syria alone, as the face of East Asia, almost everyone who saw him in that place would be very wary.

However, Charlie still relies on strong psychological cues to freely enter and exit Hamid’s heavily fortified base.

Therefore, he felt that when he got off the plane in Mexico, if the docking person found out that he was a fake, he would give him psychological suggestions to make him believe it subconsciously.

After all, Charlie’s real goal was to use the anchored man to get himself to the other party’s base camp in Mexico.

Only when he gets to the other side’s base camp can he find out who Georgina Mei’s supporters are in Mexico, and what tricks and deeds she is doing in Mexico.


at the same time.