Hero Of Heart Chapter 4929

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4929

After that, he also saw a lot of extraordinarily lucky seniors and seniors, with American venture capital capital, returned to China to invest in a large number of star companies that will become very famous in China in the future, not only helping those companies become world’s top, but also help their own investment bank.

They have made huge profits, and they have also gained fame and fortune one by one, and some are even considered the best investors, publishing books and biographies, making them famous.

What I saw and heard greatly stimulated Abren Lang.

He did not want to return to work as a Government Servant after completing his studies in the United States step by step. large corporate group.

However, in any industry, the channels for the best talent are very narrow.

Over the years, there have been millions of foreign students who are at the elite level, but there are not hundreds of them who can truly become the best.

Because in any era, a top talent must have the right time and place, and certainly not someone who works hard and will be able to climb to the top.

This was the case with Abren Lang.

He lives in the United States with a dream, but reality keeps waving at him.

In the first few years of studying in the United States, he still had goals in his heart, but it didn’t take long for him to start earning a living and gradually become a regular.

As Abren Lang and Charlie talked more and more, and as he talked more and more, his whole person, he didn’t know when it started, became filled with tears.

Seeing the plane about to land, Charlie handed him a tissue and said, “Brother, Mexico is not for you. When the plane lands, buy a ticket and come back.”

Abren Lang shook his head and said, “What are you going to do when I return? My wife and children are still waiting for me to support me. The car at the house has been sold. If we continue like this, we will have to sell the house.”

When he said that, he said firmly: “I can earn tens of thousands of dollars a year as a sailor, and I can solve my family’s financial problems, so I have to grit my teeth and hang on.”

Seeing her stern expression, Charlie suddenly felt that his previous plan seemed to need some adjustments.

He originally planned to let the people of the Cataclysmic Front rob Abren Lang beforehand, find a place to lock him up, and then let Abren Lang go free after he investigated everything and uprooted Georgina Mei and the people behind him. .

At that time, where he wanted to go and what he wanted to do, it had nothing to do with him.

However, he may have saved his life, which can be considered his invention.

But now Charlie suddenly discovers that facing this middle aged man who is almost desperate for life and trying to struggle in a desperate situation, it only shatters the little hope he has for living right now.

When he returns to the United States after the false alarm, his old mother will continue to work in the restaurant, while his wife and children still have no life, and even their safe house may be repossessed by the bank.

Therefore, rather than this, it was better to take Abren Lang with him.

Whatever awaits him ahead, let him experience it himself.

Perhaps, after all the dust settled, this experience would allow this confused and pitiful middle-aged man to find his way back.