Hero Of Heart Chapter 4937

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4937

Seeing that Lao Mo was driving to a dilapidated fishing village, Charlie pretended to be curious and asked the young man on the co-pilot: “Hey buddy, aren’t we going to that Ensenada? Are you here in the village? “

The young man said casually: “Our car is almost out of gas. There is contraband oil in this fishing village, and it is cheap. Let’s refuel here and continue our journey. Now we are not far from Ensenada. It’s 20 minutes after refueling for one kilometer.”

After he finished speaking, he stretched and said casually, “Oh, I played cards with some old Mos until after three o’clock at night, but I was sleepy. After picking you up, I’ll be able to sleep well. . Go to sleep!”

With that said, the pickup truck drove into the country yard.

Charlie looked at Abren Lang who was beside him, and seeing that he was getting more and more confused, he smiled and said, “Brother, don’t be so nervous, it’s just to cheer, it’s okay.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the pickup truck stopped in the yard. Seven or eight burly men walked out of several brick houses around the courtyard. Without exception, they were all brown Mexicans with tattoos on their bodies. A similar totem, with gay pointy-toed shoes on his feet, and the key is that he holds a gun in his hand.

Seeing these people rushing over, Abren Lang asked nervously, “What are they going to do?!”

“What are you doing?” The young man in the co-pilot smiled, removed the gun from under the seat, pointed at Abren Lang, then Charlie, and said coldly, “Fuck me. Get out of the car, if you dare to run, I will shoot him to death!”

As soon as they finished talking, the burly man outside reached out and opened the two back doors.

After that, each of them pointed guns at Charlie and Abren Lang in the car, shouting something very excited.

Only Charlie couldn’t understand Spanish, and had absolutely no idea what they were talking about. He just thought that these people were so annoying.

Charlie hastily put his head in his hands and shouted loudly, “Say something, don’t shoot, don’t shoot, don’t you just want money? I have over 1,000 dollars in my pocket, you can take them all. ! If it doesn’t work, then I’ll give you the suitcase too!”

The youth roared coldly, “What are you talking about? I asked you to get off the bus, you don’t understand?”

Charlie said hastily, “I see, I understand.”

After saying that, he got out of the car.

As soon as he got out of the car, two burly men held him left and right, then tied his wrists behind him with nylon ties about a centimeter wide.

This type of nylon cable tie is very strong, under normal circumstances, if a person’s hands and wrists are tied in this way, even if he breaks the cable tie into the flesh, until the bone is suffocated, it is impossible to break the cable.

And the buckle of this kind of cable tie is one way, it will only get tighter, but there will never be any slack, so this criminal group especially likes to use this kind of thing to detain victims.

In their experience, no one could ever break free from such a bond.

After Charlie’s hands were tied, Abren Lang was also dragged straight from the car by two big men.

Abren Lang also tried to resist, but the other party directly pressed him to the ground and tied his hands with cable ties.

Abren Lang ate a mouthful of earth, vomited several times in a row, and said in a hoarse voice: “Bah, bah, what are you doing?! You kidnap a poor bankrupt bastard like me. This is completely useless. By the way, besides wasting money. food, it’s no use at all!”

The young man stepped forward, squatted on the ground, patted Abren Lang’s face with a barrel, and said with a smile: “Brother, don’t think that you are useless, in fact, you are very useful!”