Hero Of Heart 4939

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4939

Ah Liang smiled and said coldly, “I really want to cut off one of your kidneys, but so far, no patient has managed to match your type. Otherwise, you can get two dollars for one operation. Even three cents of money! “

When Abren Lang heard this, he was even more nervous and quickly asked, “What are you doing?”

The Indian doctor looked at Abren Lang and said with a smile: “For the operation the day after tomorrow, you shouldn’t know a lot of things so early.”

Uncle Ma said to Ah Liang at this time: “Oh, by the way, there is something I haven’t had time to tell you, a Canadian uremia patient has been successfully matched with Xiao Lang, and the other party is willing to pay. 200,000 US dollars for one kidney. The price I offered him was $600,000 for two kidneys, which is a rare opportunity for a uremic patient.”

When Ah Liang heard this, his brows were overjoyed, and he said, “Does he agree?”

Uncle Ma said with a smile, “I said I should think about it, but I’m sure he will agree. If he agrees, we will perform the operation together the day after tomorrow.”

Indian doctor Hadik said: “Mr Ma, I have three operations the day after tomorrow, and I have to return to the United States. If I add another kidney transplant, it will be done in the middle of the night…”

Uncle Ma said with a smile, “It’s okay, Dr. Hardik, please work hard. I’ll add $5,000 to you for the operation. After the operation, I will let Ah Liang take you to the airport.”

Hearing that, Hardik rolled his eyes and even popped his eyes a few times, then shook his head and said, “Since Mr. Ma said so, then I will work harder to make another one.”

Abren Lang already vaguely understood what the other party was doing at this time. He didn’t know what the other party wanted to take from him the day after tomorrow, but now he actually said that he was going to do a double kidney transplant for the matched type. Aren’t you dead?

Thinking of this, he said fearfully: “Aren’t you afraid of being arrested for doing such a lecherous thing?!”

Ah Liang smiled and said:

“What is your conscience, if you are killed, you will lose your conscience? Did you know that if you die, you can save at least two people, and maybe you can make others see the light again. People say saving one life is better than building a seven-story pagoda.”

“We kill one, save two, and two minus one equals one. Isn’t this the same as saving one life in vain? The benefits are limitless, I’m leaving!”

Abren Lang trembled with fear, and said, “What are you going to do to me?!”

A Liang looked at Uncle Ma who was beside him and asked, “Uncle Ma, can you tell him about this?”

Uncle Ma looked at Abren Lang at this time, and smiled viciously:

“Honestly, there is a heart patient who has matched your heart, and he will be coming to Mexico the day after tomorrow for your heart replacement surgery. . , If the Canadian customer also negotiates, then he will come the day after tomorrow to replace your two kidneys.”

“In addition, since the corneal transplant does not need to be matched, we may find another one that needs eye surgery from tonight to tomorrow. corneal transplant patients.”

Abren Lang fell to the ground in fear, for a moment, he felt like a thunderbolt, and he didn’t know what to do.

At this time, A Liang looked at him, and Le Hao raised his eyebrows and said, “Brother, look at what I said, you are very useful!”

Abren Lang fainted in an instant, he knelt on the ground with a thud, crying and begging: “I beg you to let me go, I am old and young, my family is waiting for me to support, if you kill me, I am a mother, wife and children- children will all be finished in the future…”

Ah Liang smiled and said, “I’ve tried so hard to trick you here, how can I let you go?”

As she said that, she turned her face away and said to Charlie: “Oh, you are interesting too, how do you say something? Oh right, if there’s a way to heaven, you don’t go, and there’s no way to heaven. hell’s door, you enter, you say you are lucky, you really have no one! Ha ha ha ha!”

Charlie wasn’t scared at all this time, he looked at that Ah Liang and asked curiously “What are you going to do with me?”