Hero Of Heart 4941

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4941

Speaking, Uncle Ma looked at Charlie with a cold and cruel expression, and continued: “If you can’t tell me four, five or six, then I have a way of making your life worse than death.”

Charlie asked curiously, “What can I do? Let’s hear it.”

Uncle Ma’s expression became even more sinister, and he gritted his teeth: “Do you believe it or not? When the surgery is done, I will tell them not to give you anesthesia, and then let you experience what it means to be cut with a knife. a thousand swords.”

Charlie nodded and said admiringly: “This is great, this is great, this has an idea!”

After he finished speaking, he looked at India at the side and asked curiously, “Hadik, right, are you the chief surgeon here?”

Hardik smiled unnaturally and said, “I am only in charge of the operation, and I don’t care about the rest.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded and smiled, and said seriously, “You can do it, you can be a big man.”

A Liang was a bit confused. He looked at Uncle Ma and asked, “Uncle Ma, shouldn’t this kid be afraid? Why do I feel he has lost his mind?”

Uncle Ma was also a little confused.

Out of caution, he looked at A Liang and asked, “Did you pay attention when you came in, or were you being followed by other people?”

“How could it be.” Ah Liang said very seriously: “We have been staring in the rearview mirror all the way, no car has followed us, and no car has behaved abnormally or suspiciously. Lao Mo has confirmed that there were no other vehicles in sight.”

Uncle Ma nodded lightly, then looked at Charlie, and asked curiously, “Boy, I really want to know, why aren’t you scared at all? Aren’t you afraid to die?”

Charlie smiled and said, “I’m scared to death.”

Uncle Ma frowned and asked, “Are you afraid to die, are you still pretending to be?”

Charlie said lightly: “I’m afraid to die, but not you, you can’t kill me.”

Uncle Ma suddenly pulled a gun from his waist, pointed it at Charlie, and asked coldly, “Tell me, what are you doing!”

Charlie deliberately changed into a Hong Kong-Taiwanese accent, and said helplessly: “Hey, you really are a locomotive. You have asked me the same question many times.”

At this time, Ah Liang said to Uncle Ma: “Uncle Ma, why don’t you pay attention to him, I think this grandson is afraid of death, and he deliberately wants to provoke you, so that you can shoot him to death. , don’t be impulsive. If you are impulsive, this shot will cost you at least a million dollars.”

Uncle Ma nodded and said coldly, “It is estimated that there is some kind of stress response. I don’t care about him, you lock them both first. In addition, strengthen your guard tonight. If there is a problem, report it to me immediately.”

Ah Liang hastily said, “Okay, don’t worry, Uncle Ma!”

Uncle Ma hummed, turned around and was about to leave, Charlie suddenly sneered and said, “I thought you had some amazing deeds in Mexico, and after doing it for a long time, it turns out to be all kinds of work. . Dirty things on the table, even making this much money, you are really not afraid of retribution!”

Uncle Ma turns, looks at Charlie warily, and asks him, “What do you mean?”

Charlie smiled slightly and asked her “You shouldn’t have contacted Georgina Mei recently, right?”

“Damn it!” When Uncle Ma and A Liang heard this, they both turned pale with shock, both pulled out their weapons and aimed at Charlie at the same time, A Liang exclaimed and asked “Say, where the hell? did you hear that? Georgina May? Are you a spy?”

Uncle Ma felt that Charlie couldn’t possibly be a spy, so he pulled the trigger a little, looked at Charlie viciously, and asked coldly, “Brother, don’t talk quietly, where are you going? How did you know about Georgina Mei?”