Hero Of Heart 4953

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4953

“Shit, on the west side, hurry up… ah…”

Juarez was surprised when he heard movement outside.

He could tell from the voices he heard that his subordinates had been surrounded and suppressed, and the opponent had not only caught them off guard, but had even caused them great losses.

As soon as Juarez thought of the people on the outside, they were all the foundation of his own life and money, but now they were being massacred by an unknown enemy, which gave him a sense of despair as his assets were quickly destroyed.

So he angrily pointed the gun at Charlie, and shouted hysterically: “Tell the man you’re carrying to stop immediately, or else I’ll shoot you!”

Charlie sneered, and suddenly shot at a very fast speed in an instant.

Just when Juarez didn’t react, Charlie grabbed his right wrist holding the gun, and then spun it suddenly.

Just listening to the explosion, Juarez’s wrist had been folded back 180 degrees, and the back of his hand was tightly pressed against his forearm!

What was even more terrifying was that his broken wrist joint had pierced through the only remaining skin on his wrist, and the white bones hanging with flesh and blood looked absolutely terrifying!

His bodyguards reacted immediately, and one by one they pulled out their guns to shoot Charlie.

But what they didn’t expect was that instead of hiding, Charlie was standing there and staring at them with a sneer.

As they pointed their guns at Charlie, several flames suddenly shot from their backs, and then, several people were beaten into the beehives with bullets.

Juarez, Ma Kui and the others were all frightened and dumbfounded. They turned and looked back. They saw more than a dozen Chinese men dressed in black rushing in with guns.

The leader is the Cataclysmic Front Master, Joseph Wan!

Joseph Wan said to the other subordinates at this time: “Watch these people, if any of them intend to attack, we will kill them!”

Everyone immediately answered in unison: “Follow your orders!”

Juarez was terrified.

Seeing that the other party had invaded the underground operating room, he immediately guessed that all the men he had left outside must have been exhausted.

Just when he thought all of this might be a nightmare, Joseph Wan quickly came up to Charlie and said respectfully, “Master Wade, as per your wish, my subordinates have killed all the enemies outside. , leaving no one alive.”

Charlie Wade asked him, “Did our brother become a victim?”

Joseph Wan immediately said: “Master Wade, the Cataclysmic Front sent a total of 158 soldiers today, no one was injured, and no one died!”

Hearing this, Juarez immediately fell to the ground, he looked at Charlie with horror on his face, and said, “You… are you from the Cataclysmic Front?!”

Joseph Wan looked at him and said coldly, “Master Wade is not a member of the Cataclysmic Front, but the entire Cataclysmic Front, with tens of thousands of people, all belonging to Master Wade!”