Hero Of Heart 4983

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4983

Abren Lang’s major is communications engineering, where he is the best in satellite communications.

He was originally a professional with strong scientific research and development abilities, but due to his age, he was already a bit too old.

In addition, most communications companies have a very stable market share. He had already entered the stage of receiving dividends and did not want to invest too much. In the research and development of new technologies, Abren Lang has not been able to find a suitable job that he likes.

In fact, for professional and technical talent, the saddest thing is not being laid off, but being ambitious and finding no real benefit.

But Charlie’s comment suddenly gave him a lot of encouragement.

Charlie just said casually, and then decided to build his own satellite communication system for the Cataclysmic Front, this courage is very rare indeed.

And Abren Lang also wholeheartedly hopes to find an opportunity to display all his abilities and ambitions, so he is very excited and excited.

Without thinking, he exclaimed, “Master Wade, I am grateful that you look down on me, I will do my best!”

Charlie nodded, and turned to Joseph Wan, who was beside him, and said, “Joseph, once Brother Lang arrives in Syria, you will pay an annual salary of one million US dollars after taxes.”

Charlie said again:

“Besides, because it’s too far from home, you’ll pay another five dollars every year. The completion fee is $100,000, and if the project progresses with both quality and quantity, a performance bonus will be issued at that point. “

Joseph Wan immediately said respectfully, “Don’t worry Mister Wade, your subordinates will definitely manage it well!”

Abren Lang, who was next to him, suddenly became nervous, and he quickly waved his hand and said, “No, no… Mister Wade, you saved my life, how can I take your salary again… It’s definitely not… As expected I told you earlier, you only need to take care of my room and board, and I don’t want a penny for the rest.”

Charlie waved his hand and said with a serious face:

“Brother, look, the entire Cataclysmic Front has allegiance to me. If I treat badly to anyone who does something for me, how can I convince the public in the future?”

Charlie continued:

“After you arrived in Syria, All the members of the Cataclysmic Front around you have salary income, but you don’t have a penny, others know, what do you think of me?”

Abren Lang sweated anxiously, and said: “But… but I always wanted to repay you for saving your life…”

Charlie smiled and said, “There are many ways to repay my gratitude. Once my brother arrives in Syria, you can devote yourself to your work and use your handiwork to repay the gift of saving my life in the future. This is the most practical way.”

After speaking, he said in an unquestionable tone: “We have resolved this matter, you don’t need to tell me again, your salary will be paid every month in the future, but the settlement fee is $500,000, I will let Joseph pay first. , so that you can also solve problems at home first.”

Abren Lang wanted to say something, but when the words reached his mouth, he couldn’t say it at all, so he couldn’t help but turn his eyes red.

Charlie patted his arm and said seriously:

“Brother, since you have this ability, you must let your wife, children, and old mother enjoy happiness, give them $500,000 first, and let them take care of all the troubles in the family.”

“At the same time, let the parents concentrate on the parents, let the wife concentrate on taking care of the family, and let the children concentrate on school, so that you can also concentrate on work without worrying about the future.”

After saying that, Charlie paused and continued:

“And more importantly, this money can not only solve their difficulties, but also make them feel more comfortable about you working out alone, and at the same time more confident in your future. live, Everyone is happy! So don’t refuse anymore, just agree, and then head straight to the Middle East tonight!”

Abren Lang’s tears could no longer be controlled, and the forty year old man’s tears continued to drip like pearls with broken threads.

After a while, he wiped the tears with his hands and said firmly, “Don’t worry Mr Wade, I will do everything I can and what I have learned in my life to repay your kindness!”

Charlie nodded and smiled, and said, “This is the equivalent of agreeing, and you don’t have to worry about the rest.”

After he finished speaking, he said to Joseph Wan:

“Joseph, you arranged for my brother to go to Syria with a large army. After arriving in Syria, if you want someone, you will solve problems, if you want money, you will solve money, and if you want land, you can solve problems.”

Charlie said firmly:

“In short, you have to let him not worry, and at the same time give him all the necessary conditions. You should build your own set of Cataclysmic Front satellite communication systems in no time. In this case, In the future, the Cataclysmic Front will no longer have to worry about information leakage, and it is 100% reliable, and it will definitely make a great contribution to the Cataclysmic Front in the future!”