Hero Of Heart 4988

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 4988

Later, Charlie is afraid that his wife Claire will worry about Elaine Ma, his mother-in-law. so he picked up the phone again and called her.

After the phone call, Claire asked, “Husband, where are you now?”

Charlie said: “I flew out of town to help your mother get out of jail. Now I’m going back to New York. Has your mother contacted you in the last two days?”

“I’ve been contacted.” Claire sighed and said, “Husband, I was just about to call you to tell you about this. Mom just called me ten minutes ago. You know he’s talking to me on the phone. Say something?”

Charlie, I guessed something, but I still pretended to be curious and asked, “What did you say?”

Claire said helplessly:

“Mom actually told me on the phone that she is fine in jail now, she wants to call you but your phone is not connecting, so she called me and asked me to tell you that she is not in a hurry to come out for right now, so please don’t take him out too soon…”

Charlie said again:

“What’s more, as long as he can return to China with us, it will be fine, if that is the case. absolutely impossible, or he could have returned on his own after he was released from prison…”

Saying that, Claire nervously asked, “My husband, do you think my mother surprised me, right? Why did he become addicted to going to prison, and said he didn’t want to get out too soon …”

Charlie sneered and thought to himself “My stupid wife, you should know that your mother is a ghost on Mount Bedford by now, so you might be able to find out why she won’t come out…”

But Charlie didn’t say much, only comforted: “Wife, I don’t think you want us to rush, so that’s why he said that.”

Claire said seriously: “My mother is not the type to think about other people. There were only two possibilities for him not to want to come out. The first is that he is forced, and the other is that he lives comfortably inside.”

Charlie sighed in his heart:

“Of course, it’s your mother, Elaine Ma,” and said with relief:

“Don’t worry, prison is not a place outside the law, and no one should force it. As for the second possibility you mentioned, I think this might be the case.”

“Maybe you made a new friend in prison, or maybe you want to experience life in it, and I also asked a client in New York to help me find the cause. I think I can take care of him there.”

Claire said helplessly: “To be honest, when I heard his tone on the phone at that time, it didn’t seem like he was being forced, his tone was strange, he seemed very happy, but he didn’t want me. heard it, so he was purposely a little rude. I just don’t understand…”

Charlie smiled and said, “Dear wife, if you don’t understand, don’t think too much about it. Since Mother can tell you that, then you will definitely have no trouble, and you should live well.”

“Well…” Claire sighed and said helplessly: “I also have no way to take him, but I have to work hard for you and find a way to save him.”

Charlie smiled and said, “It’s not hard work, as long as Mom is okay, the rest doesn’t matter.”

After that, Charlie noticed the seat belt warning light in the office was on, so he said to Claire: “Wife, the plane is taking off, and I have to go back to New York last night, so I won’t say, you’ll be looking after me these days. Take care of yourself, study hard, and don’t worry about the rest.”

“Okay…” Claire instructed: “Then husband, you should also pay attention to rest, don’t be tired.”

After advising each other for a while, the two hung up.

Immediately after that, the plane’s thrust was fully turned on, and after gliding for a certain distance on the runway, it rose into the air and disappeared into the night.

The flight, which initially took at least five or six hours to fly, landed at JFK Airport in New York in just two hours.

The Buckingham Palace Hotel convoy was waiting at the airport. After Charlie and everyone else had cleared the customs formalities from the VIP line, they took the Buckingham Palace concierge convoy straight to the hotel.

As he was about to arrive at the hotel, Stella Fei called and said to Charlie, “Mr. Wade, the potion on your list is ready. Shall I take you to the hotel now?”

Charlie never thought that Stella Fei’s efficiency was so fast, after all, it only took more than two hours, and it was a big night.

But Charlie didn’t ask too much, Stella Fei was now the head of the Fei family, and she was also a householder in New York, so the relationship channel naturally took root.

So Charlie said, “Then let’s meet at the hotel!”