Hero Of Heart 5009

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5009

However, none of these staff would have thought that now they would use this simple and crude method to thaw Duncan Li.

Since Duncan Li’s entire body was an ice lump of minus 200 degrees Celsius, the warm water in the pool quickly turned cold as soon as he entered. The staff quickly turned on the circulation pump and let the heater circulate the water in the pool to maintain a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius. it is the normal temperature of the water.

The coarse thawing method immediately shows a major drawback.

As soon as Duncan Li’s skin began to melt, it immediately began to ooze blood, like a piece of beef that had just been thawed. The fluid in the cell begins to seep out due to the rupture of the cell, which mixes with the blood and body fluids.

The person in charge covered his face in horror and said, “Miss Fei… this… this is basically irreversible damage…”

Stella Fei was also surprised, but he said calmly: “Okay, it has nothing to do with you here, let’s all go.”

Everyone looked at each other. In the end, the person in charge takes the lead. He turned his heart and said, “Miss Fei, then we will head out first. If you have any needs, please contact us.”

Stella Fei nodded and watched the staff leave the scene one by one.

She was about to call Charlie, but she didn’t think Charlie was out of the waiting room.

Stella Fei looked at the bloodied Duncan Li, and nervously said to Charlie, “Master Wade … Duncan Li’s situation may not be optimistic …”

Charlie said lightly: “Don’t worry, as long as there’s no problem with his brain.”

The reason Charlie was so rude to immediately freeze Duncan Li in warm water was because of the reckless repair ability of Dan’s renovation.

For Reshaping Dan, all organs and tissues of the human body, only the brain and memory in the brain cannot be repaired, and everything else is fine.

And Duncan Li’s brain was always protected by Charlie’s spiritual energy, so even if he suffered serious damage to his cells and body during the thawing process, it wouldn’t be a problem at all.

After all, his body has already been beaten into a sieve, even if there is more damage, it doesn’t matter, and it will be directly handed over to the Reshaping Dan to solve it together.

If it weren’t for the concern that the entire frozen center would be filled with the stench of boiled meat, Charlie would have wanted someone to use 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 boiling water to thaw it quickly. Unlike now, he had to wait patiently for it to melt.

About an hour later, the continuous circulation of warm water finally made Duncan Li’s stiff body gradually warm up, Stella Fei remembered something at this time, and said quickly: “Master Wade, the blood in Duncan Li’s body was emptied before being frozen. , and everything is replaced. This has been a cryoprotective solution, this… will have no effect? Do you need to prepare a suitable plasma first?”

“Not.” Charlie, like a liar, waved his hand carelessly and said, “These are all trivial matters. Next, is the time to witness the miracle.”

With that said, he stepped in front of Duncan Li, turned on the pool drain switch, drained all the warm water in the pool, and then took out a renovation pill from his pocket.

Charlie couldn’t help but put the reshaping pill in his hand and looked at it for a moment, and sighed in his heart: “I never dreamed that the most precious medicinal pill I had refined so far, the first to save a life. , it turned out to be this person who had investigated me, the American police who tried to arrest me.”

“If it wasn’t for the fact that you died due to completion, I really wouldn’t want to waste such a precious medicinal pill on you, just to help my grandparents’ family and give you a hand!”

Thinking of this, Charlie sighed, opened Duncan Li’s mouth, and put a golden remodeling pill into his mouth…