Hero Of Heart Chapter 5049

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5049

The butler quickly shook his head and said seriously, “I have never had such a dream before…”

Charlie smiled: “That’s right, this kind of good thing can’t be dreamed of in a dream, it seems every man has gone through adolescence, but the object of his every spring dream may not be his favorite girl, right? are my thoughts correct?”

The housekeeper agreed, nodded like a garlic, and said, “Yes, yes… I have racked my brain throughout my teenage years and have never dreamed of a goddess in my mind in such a dream… …”

Charlie snorted, then looked at Ito Yuhiko, and smiled lightly: “Master Ito, how does it feel to have your birthday wish come true?”

Ito Yuhiko, who was standing stupidly before, heard this, and suddenly knelt straight on the hard floor tiles with a thud, his eyes filled with tears, stared at Charlie and choked:

“Master Wade! Thank you for your reconstruction. What a grace! I, Ito Takehiko, never dreamed that I could become a normal person in this life! Your great kindness and benevolence will never be forgotten in my life!”

Saying that, he opened his hands, knelt on the ground and bowed three times to Charlie.

Charlie saw Ito Yuuhiko kneeling on the ground, talking and crying, and with a face full of green mud and slightly distorted, he felt no longer like the green-haired gorilla he used to be, but like a fresh big chia monkey. out of the ground, and this old man is still naked, it is a bit unsightly visually.

So Charlie didn’t want to step forward to help, and said to the housekeeper beside Ito Yuhiko with a hint of disdain: “Quickly grab a bath towel and put it on your Mr. Ito, at such an old age, kneeling on the ground with bare bottoms looks like something. ”

The butler came back to his senses, quickly pulled the bath towel, rushed forward in three or two steps, and wrapped Ito Yuhiko’s waist with the bath towel.

At this moment, Ito Yuhiko didn’t care whether to lose face or not, he was already out of breath from crying, looked at Charlie with tears in his eyes, and choked:

“Master Wade… next regeneration. Old man… from now on… no matter what you ask me to do, I will never say anything to you, even if you let me jump out of here now, I am still willing! normal people, it is better to die with dignity than to live in a wheelchair!”

Charlie shook his head helplessly, and said:

“I called you all the way, and then gave you a very precious medicine, not to see you jump from the building and fall to your death, but to let Nanako later who always worry about you, so from now on, you have to be cheerful, don’t be like half-dead all day, and Don’t let Nanako worry about you anymore, got it?”

Ito Yuhiko suddenly realized, and said: “I understand Mister Wade! Thank you for your love for your little girl! From today onwards, I definitely won’t let Nanako worry about me at all!”

Charlie nodded and said “Okay, hurry up and take a shower, clean all the mud off your body, especially your face, wash your face carefully, then put on the gym clothes prepared for you and head out. Nanako is still quietly waiting outside.”

Ito Yuhiko was about to bow again, but as soon as he bent down, the bath towel around him came loose, and the housekeeper beside him hurriedly stepped forward to help him wrap it up again, Charlie couldn’t help but say:

“Don’t give me a big gift again. , I will help you, and I will help you calm Nanako’s anxiety.”

Ito Yuhiko choked his throat and focused his head, then remembered something, and asked, “Master Wade, I will ask you something…”

Charlie hummed: “You asked.”

Ito Yuhiko asked respectfully: “Master Wade, I want to know… how is Tanaka… how is he now? Did you give him medicine too?”

Charlie nodded and said, “I gave him his medicine but he took his medicine a few minutes later than you, so I think he’s almost awake now.”

Ito Yuhiko breathed a sigh of relief and choked: “Tanaka saved my life with all his might, without him, I might have been shot dead by the Takahashi family long ago, and now he can recover. As usual, I have lived up to his expectations…”

After that, she looked at Charlie and said with tears: “Thank you Mr Wade!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said indifferently: “You don’t have to thank me for this, I will help you out to calm Nanako’s face, help Tanaka, and fully appreciate her loyalty to your Ito family as a loyal servant.”