Hero Of Heart Chapter 5050

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5050

Ito Yuhiko actually knew very well that Charlie probably didn’t think much of himself.

After all, when Charlie first came to Japan, he had conflicts with him, and even then his attitude was very arrogant, thinking that this young man from China should submit to him.

Later, when he is taught by Charlie to be a man, he realizes how evil this young Chinese is.

And the reason Charlie was able to be polite to himself later, and ever offered to help, was entirely because of his daughter Nanako’s face.

Therefore, right now, Ito Takehiko, apart from his endless gratitude towards Charlie, had only one thought left in his mind, namely: how his life was so good.

She doesn’t feel like her life is going well because of Charlie’s help, but she regrets that she is lucky to have a daughter as good as Nanako.

If it wasn’t for Nanako, I’m afraid the best situation for me right now would be to lie in a hospital bed with limbs amputated, all kinds of tubes inserted all over my body, and rely on all kinds of nutritional solutions to survive. .

It is because of Nanako that Charlie helps him recover after his amputation, allowing him to live the life of an ordinary, healthy disabled person. Now, Charlie immediately used the elixir to heal both of his broken legs. Can grow back.

Now that I have become a healthy person again, I will have no regrets associated with him in this life.

The only thing that still worries him is the lifelong events of his daughter Nanako.

If she could entrust her daughter to Charlie with her own hands, then her life would be complete.

Just as Ito Takehiko imagined his daughter would marry Charlie in the future, Tanaka Koichi next door also started almost the same experience as Ito Takehiko.

Luckily, Tanaka Koichi had Orvel sitting next to him, so when Tanaka Koichi was frightened by his feet, Orvel immediately dragged him out of the bath. Everything is not an illusion or a dream, but reality.

An enthusiastic Tanaka Haoichi cried and said, “Master Hong, I will bow to Master Wade to thank him!”

After saying that, he was ready to rush out the door.

Orvel grabbed her back, stuck her foot into the bathroom, and said cursingly, “Damn, you exhibitionist! You will run out naked! Don’t be ashamed of your bean sprouts! Take a shower first, change your clothes and come out!”

It was only then that Tanaka Koichi came back to his senses and realized that he was still naked. He quickly bowed and said, “Sorry Mr Hong, I am truly sorry! I was rash!”



Charlie had come out of the bathroom where Takehiko Ito was.

Worried, Ito Nanako was standing not far from the door waiting anxiously at this time, and her aunt Emi Ito was waiting here with her.

Seeing Charlie come out, Ito Nanako subconsciously wanted to step forward, but when she thought that her father was still in the bathroom, she stopped and asked Charlie from a few meters away, “Charlie, Odosan… . How are you?”

“Good.” Charlie smiled and said, “I’m taking a shower, and I’ll be out in a bit.”

Ito Nanako pursed her lips and said doubtfully, “I think I just heard my father cry. I don’t know if I heard wrong…”