Hero Of Heart Chapter 5054

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5054

New York Central Park.

Ito Takehiko and Tanaka Koichi, who were wearing shorts and shorts, were walking on the garden path wearing masks.

The two of them started walking at a walking pace, but after taking a few steps, they subconsciously walked faster and faster, and in the end it was like walking fast, leaving Charlie and Nanako behind.

Nanako, who was wearing a kimono, ignored the surprised eyes of passersby, walked beside Charlie unhurriedly, looked behind her father and Tanaka, and said with a smile, “Jun Charlie, Oduosang, and Tanaka-san seem to be in the game. Woolen cloth.”

“Really?” Seeing the two of them walking further and further, Charlie couldn’t help but say happily, “Is this faster than the others?”

“It should be.” Ito Nanako pursed her lips and said, “Look at Odosan, I can’t wait to jump step by step.”

Saying that, he tried a few steps on the spot, each time he took one foot first, and then jumped a little after taking a step, so there was a cheerful rhythm of jumping step by step.

Charlie looked at her figure and couldn’t resist the temptation: “We call a walk like this a leap.”

Ito Nanako turned around and asked Charlie curiously, “Is he the one who ‘won’t last long’?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Yes, but what you said was a bit unlucky.”

Ito Nanako stuck out her tongue, smiled brightly, and said, “With Charlie, whenever you’re lucky, it won’t be bad luck.”

Saying that, he asked Charlie: “By the way, Charlie, every time you see me, you have to help me or help my family solve the problem in some way. Would it bother…”

Charlie smiled and said, “Why, why do you ask that?”

Ito Nanako said earnestly: “I need your help all the time, and I also feel very ashamed for helping me so much…”

Charlie looked at him and said with a smile, “Don’t be shy, after all, every time I help you, I take the initiative to find you.”

Ito Nanako was stunned for a moment, then smiled sweetly, tilted her head and said, “It seems so… The first time you saved me was at your house in Kyoto, and it snowed heavily that day.”

Saying that, Ito Nanako stopped, looked at the leaves in the wind, turned to look at Charlie, and asked him, “Charlie, do I look good?”

Charlie answered without hesitation: “Of course it looks good.”

Nanako Ito asked again, “Will I look a little out of place in a place like this when I wear this suit?”

Charlie thought about it for a while, and said with a smile, “I can’t talk about offense, but it’s a bit of mix and match.”

Ito Nanako nodded and said with a smile: “Actually, I rarely wear a kimono to go out. There was only one case where I would go out in a kimono…”

Charlie asked curiously, “What’s the specific situation like?”

Nanako Ito pretended to wink and smiled mysteriously, then she changed the subject and said with a longing look: “Master Wade Chen, I have imagined four photos of meeting you, which I am most looking forward to meeting you. in Kyoto. Walking in the snow with you on a snowy night, luckily this wish came true last year.”

Charlie asked again, “What about the other three?”

“The other three…” Ito Nanako sighed while admiring the trees in New York at night: “The second is when the cherry blossoms at Hirosaki Park are in full bloom, wearing kimono and walking under the cherry trees with Charliejun, what a shame the cherry blossoms Open on March, April at the latest, and now it’s over…”