Hero Of Heart 5077

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5077

As for Duncan Li, who was the first to take the Reshaping Dan, he returned to his home in Houston with his wife, daughter, and son-in-law on the An Family’s private jet.

Ever since Stella Fei supported him, his image in the eyes of his family was comparable to that of a superhero.

In his early years, his wife and daughter lived with him in New York. At that time, he devoted himself to work and rarely asked about his wife and children.

And because of his identity as a policeman, he is quite strict with his wife and daughter on weekdays, and the atmosphere at home is very depressed without realizing it.

Later, her relationship with her family became more and more strained. When her daughter was in college, she purposely left school in New York and chose to study in Houston, to get away from him so she could heave a sigh of relief.

The wife also took the opportunity to choose to accompany her daughter to study in Houston, and instead began to separate from him.

But luckily, the two sides only parted for a long time, and they didn’t get to the point of needing a divorce.

Duncan Li’s daughter was not very good at her studies. He rebelled when he was young, and his father was a strict detective who was stricter than the average parent. Therefore, even though his rebellion was being fought, he never had a chance to appear. .

Although Duncan Li has lived in the United States for most of his life, he is a truly Chinese-style parent. The way he treats his daughter’s education can be summed up in the words ‘overintervention and strict restraint’.

And because of the high pressure she brought, her daughter changed from a rebellious mentality to a relatively decadent school-weary mentality. Because of this, the relationship between father and son never subsided.

Duncan Li’s pre-retirement income was nearly $400,000 to $500,000 per year.

Although this income level is not low, it also strongly classifies his family’s social class into the middle class.

Her daughter married last year to a young Chinese man who graduated from a prestigious university and works for NASA.

Although his son-in-law is rather talented, he is too passionate, in addition, he is not very appreciated at NASA, and he is even marginalized and discriminated against, so he is often depressed.

Duncan Li understood his son-in-law quite well. He is a professional in the aerospace field and has excellent education and skills. However, due to his Chinese identity and lack of relationship background, he has been pressured by NASA.

In fact, Duncan Li was the same when he first became a detective.

In the American police system, although ethnic minorities rarely experience real discrimination, repression of the general environment is ubiquitous.

Most of the police officers from ethnic minorities have relatively low-income jobs. If they want to move up, they have to pay far more effort than others.

After returning home, Duncan Li left his family in the living room and said with emotion: “I’m finally back, let’s meet everyone first.”

His wife, daughter and son-in-law agreed without hesitation and sat on either side of Duncan Li.

Duncan Li took out the $10 million check given by Stella Fei from his hand and said, “As for this money, my current idea is to leave everything to the baby in Yuanyuan’s womb and make it the family’s trust.”

His daughter hurriedly said: “Father, the child is not yet born, you don’t have to think long for him…”

Duncan Li said solemnly: “This is something I should consider. Before, it was because I considered you too little that the relationship between our family was so isolated. Besides, I’m not doing it for you, but for your children. .and my grandchildren in the future…”

Speaking, he sighed: “I have more contact with Uncle An and his family, and I understand the truth. The reason why the rich in the West can continue to be rich is because their asset inheritance is more concerned with contracts, not blind inheritance. . , so starting from the baby in the womb, they will also create a family trust, and invest ten million dollars into it. “

“Before the child turns eighteen, all this money will be used for the lowest risk investments. At the age of eight, it should at least double.”

Duncan Li’s son-in-law couldn’t help but say at this moment: “Dad… there’s something, I’ve been looking for an opportunity to tell you on the way back, and you can’t be angry with me when you say it…”

Duncan Li looked at his son-in-law, nodded and said, “Xiao Sun, tell me.”

The son-in-law hesitated for a moment, then said boldly: “When I was in the Anbang Building, Mr. Marshal An of the An family spoke to me, and he said that the An family was willing to spend 100 million US Dollars to establish a trust for me and the children. Yuanyuan child, on the condition that I agree to it.”

“If the child in Yuanyuan’s womb is a boy, let him have the surname Li with Yuanyuan, if it is a girl, you can choose the surname Li, or wait until another son is born, and then let the child be surnamed Li…”

Duncan Li and his wife and daughter were shocked.

Duncan Li was even more guilty. He didn’t think that Marshal An told his son-in-law about this personally, so he quickly said: “Xiao Sun, don’t be angry, your uncle An told you this, especially since you, Grandpa An, are a bit of a man. Old Feudal, don’t take it to your heart, let alone blame him…”

“No…” The daughter-in-law said shyly: “Father…I…I…I have made my own decision…I have agreed. …”