Hero Of Heart 5078

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5078

“You promise?!”

When Duncan Li heard his son-in-law’s answer, he was both surprised and excited.

Even though he said that Mr. An was an old feudal, he had actually been told by Mr. An for a long time.

He knew that the old feudalism had to be criticized to some extent, but he also agreed with Mr. An’s logic, namely: family names needed to be inherited.

Whether it is male or female, as long as there is a descendant of the family name, then this line will definitely be passed down.

However, once there was a pause in the middle, this vein would completely retreat from the historical stage in a few decades.

Therefore, if the son-in-law promises to pass the surname Li to his daughter, then the family name can continue to be passed down.

Therefore, he was overjoyed when he heard that his son-in-law had agreed.

However, he never thought that his son-in-law, who had always thought of himself as an accomplished person, would be so easily persuaded by Marshal An.

The son-in-law also looked a little embarrassed at this time.

He took the initiative to explain shyly: “Father, it’s not that I have no prospects… It’s just that this condition offered by the An family is too tempting… Even if I work hard all my life, I can’t leave it for future generations. so much money…”

At this time, the son-in-law just wanted to give himself a reason to compromise with money.

But he didn’t realize that his compromise was the result Duncan Li had been waiting for the most.

However, in order to erase his shame for his dignity, he continued to explain:

“Father, what Uncle An said is almost the same as what you said just now, what he meant was, first take 100 million US dollars as trust. , and the trust will pay off. It is operated by the trust company of the An Family, and because the trust company of the An Family is supported by the resources of the entire An Family.”

“Their earnings are much stronger than most of the trust companies in the market, so at least around 8% a year. As long as I fulfill my promise, after 18 years, this trust can be unconditionally revoked! ”

After speaking, the son-in-law continued with a hint of excitement: “Father, I might use a quick calculation in my heart. If the guaranteed annual rate of return is 8%, and compound interest is calculated, then after 18 years, the child will become an adult. , the money will go from 100 million US dollars to a full 400 million US dollars!”

Speaking of this, the son-in-law was even more excited. He couldn’t contain his emotions and said: “Father, Mother, Yuanyuan! What a 400 million US dollar concept! Even if we don’t! moving the principal 400 million US dollars at that time, we will continue to pay 800 million US dollars every year. If the rate of return is calculated as a %, then the annual interest is 32 million US dollars!”

“Thirty-two million dollars! And there are so many every year! By then, we will be able to take these thirty-two million dollars from the bank every year!”

“Even if inflation develops seriously in the future, 32 million US dollars will definitely be enough for the family’s daily expenses for a year!”

“At that time, we will be able to provide our children with the best standard of living, the best educational resources, and make them the top group in society! This is a step-by-step class jump!”

“In addition, apart from the annual interest income of USD 32 million, the principal of USD 400 million has not changed. In that case, as long as the An Trust Company Family we support doesn’t go bankrupt, we can continue to pay the 8% interest rate going forward!”

“However, what if the trust company goes bankrupt? The law has long provided that the trust company’s own assets and the client’s trust property are separated completely. Even if the trust company goes bankrupt, it is impossible to liquidate our money. Money! We just need to change the trust company and transfer the rights and interests.”

“In other words, as long as the United States exists, our money will always be there! This is the eternal preservation of the family’s assets and eternal prosperity!”

The excited son-in-law, when I came here again, the whole person was already beating a little faster and breathing fast.

His whole face was red and sweat was pouring out, his eyes widened involuntarily, and all the blood vessels burst.