Hero Of Heart 5124

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5124

Even though it was summer, the night in Osu City was still a little chilly, but Helena was wearing a shoulder-length western court gown, as beautiful as a perfect and noble tulip.

Watching Charlie get out of the car, the temperament of the queen that Helena had been gradually cultivating recently disappeared, replaced by a girl who was just starting to love him, excited and excited when she saw her lover.

She took her skirt and ran towards Charlie, the royal housekeeper subconsciously wanted to follow, but found that she couldn’t catch up with him at all.

The old queen’s legs weren’t very tidy, she walked out leisurely, while looking at the figure of Helena running away, she shook her head helplessly and sighed softly.

Helena flew to Charlie, her deep eyes filled with joy, and said enthusiastically, “Mr. Wade, long time no see!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said politely, “Long time no see.”

The old queen also walked forward at this time, and said to Charlie very respectfully, “Hello, Mr Wade!”

Charlie looked at the old queen, nodded lightly, and asked with a smile, “Miss Iliad, have you been feeling well recently?”

Seeing that Charlie cared so much about himself, the old queen said flattering: “Thanks to the rejuvenating pills you gave me, I am in excellent health now!”

Charlie smiled and said, “That’s good.”

Helena on the side said quickly: “Master Wade, the helicopter is ready. Didn’t you say on the phone that you wanted to fly straight to Bergen, or should we leave now?”

“Okay!” Charlie nodded without hesitation, and then said to Helena:

“Wan Po army of the Cataclysmic Front Temple will be bringing a group of Cataclysmic Front Temple soldiers to Aosu City later, please help me prepare an additional one. Heavy helicopters, if needed, to get them to Bergen too.”

“No problem!” Helena agreed without hesitation, and said:

“Master Wade, time is urgent, or we should go first, and let the housekeeper help implement this matter.”

Charlie nodded, looked at the old queen beside him, and said seriously, “Miss Iliad, I’ll come back to see you when I’m done with what I’m doing.”

The old queen said quickly, “Okay, Master Wade, I look forward to your visit in Osu City!”

Immediately, Charlie took Orvel, Issac, and Helena into a large helicopter, the pilot skillfully operated the helicopter to take off, and then ran towards Bergen.

In the helicopter, Charlie saw the night view of Osu City outside the window, and asked Helena beside him, “By the way, Helena, you said that you have a charity event in Bergen tomorrow, what time is it, and did you need me to join you. You?”

Helena said shyly:

“This… this… I tell you what, Mr Wade, I… Actually, I don’t have any charity work in Bergen, that’s why I’m saying that. , I especially wanted to accompany you to visit Bergen.”

“I am the Queen of Northern Europe after all, if you have something here, I can help you, and I can help you deal with it in time…”

Charlie was a little surprised, Helena saw this, and quickly explained:

“I don’t mean to lie to you, I originally wanted to actually organize a charity event, but… tomorrow please.”

‘If I do charity work, I may not be able to meet your needs all the time, so… so please don’t be angry…”

Charlie came back to his senses and smiled: “I’m not mad, I just didn’t think about it, thanks Helena.”