Hero Of Heart 5131

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5131

In the earphones, Joseph said to Charlie: “Mr Wade, can you be sure that the plane that flies to Sweden is to pick up people, not to send another group of people to Sweden to do other tasks? they’re probably still in Sweden. There are other actions.”

Charlie said:

“I overheard their conversation just now, they are not here to kill people this time, but to bring back some target people who are important to the organization.”

Charlie explains:

“So they need to have a pretty safe retreat, and, in order to avoid exposure, the plane they’re on is back now, so I guess the plane that flew to Sweden is here to pick them up.”

Having said that, Charlie added:

“In addition, there are no border controls for land transportation between EU countries, and the convenience of driving is as simple as driving to travel between two provinces in China.”

Charlie said again:

“But even though all these people are EU countries, and law enforcement agencies serve their own country, so once they arrive in Sweden it will bring a lot of difficulties in the Nordic police investigation, leaving Sweden is the perfect choice.”

From the other party’s call earlier, and the progress of the two planes, Charlie probably found an eight-man assignment this time.

They flew all the way to northern Europe to capture someone very important to the organization.

The route they arranged was to enter Northern Europe and leave Sweden.

Once they complete the heist from Bergen and capture the target, they will drive more than 600 kilometers to Sweden, and fly from Sweden.

The Boeing 777 had just taken off from Nigeria, and when the plane landed in Sweden, these guys should have made it all the way to Sweden.

Joseph said today:

“Master Wade, my subordinates feel that we still have seven or eight hours to make a quick deployment. If we send people to Sweden now, we will monitor one from Nigeria to Sweden.”

“Those planes should be able to figure out their specific context, maybe they could follow directions and find the specific location of one of their bases!”

Charlie smiled slightly, looked at the eight assassins sneaking in the darkness, and said, “There’s no need to find their base for now, and now the clues of these six planes are a huge advantage for us.”

“As long as we don’t fight this idea of ​​six planes, don’t follow these six planes to their base, they won’t realize that six planes are the problem.”

Charlie knew full well that even if he killed these eight killers in Bergen, Joseph could continue to make a fuss on that plane.

After all, as long as it flies, even if it can’t accept anyone, it will definitely come back, maybe it really can find some information.

However, Charlie doesn’t plan to do anything about the six Boeing 777 Yuantai International Express for now.

He told Joseph: “In my opinion, these six Boeing 777s are equivalent to six telephone lines that the enemy has exposed but is still not aware of. It’s like a communication code deciphered by the enemy during a war.”

“Without realizing that the communication password has been deciphered, we will continue to use this password, so that we can know the specific actions of the other party without contact with the other party, as long as we can ensure that at any time With the right attack, they will not be aware of which link wrong.”

Duncan Li also agreed at this time and said:

“I agree with Young Master Wade, there is really no need to take the initiative to attack now, that time in New York, Young Master Wade has caused great losses to this organization, and it is a coincidence that Young Master Wade is also It is true that they did not obtain prior information through any channel.”

“So they will also seek the truth of the facts to determine that the reason for the final failure was not due to early exposure, but because the opponent was too strong.”

Duncan Li continued his words:

“If Young Master Wade can repeat the old trick this time, it will only make the managers of this organization suspect that their strength is not keeping up with the development of the outside world, but they will never make them think that their transportation channel has been exposed.”

“In the future, you can use the clues of these six planes to continue cutting them accurately! Come a few more times, I am afraid that they will doubt their lives!”